




1.特林 ... Durham brewery 英国达勒姆啤酒厂 Tring 英国特林啤酒厂 Atlantic Brewery 英国大西洋啤酒厂 ...

3.字符串类型 ... 6) 字符类型( CHARACTER) 7) 字符串类型TRING) 10) 自然数、正整数类型( NATUR…

4.庄族 托萨族 Tausug 庄族 Tring 乌吉族 Ukit ...

5.直凉 Tras 都赖新村 Tring 直凉 Valley Bilut Village 美律谷新村 ...

6.张忠明 何其伟 ho chi wei 张忠明 tring 沈伯阳 Shen Po-yang ...

7.铜圈 ... O-ring 防水圈 tring 铜圈 dark grey 深灰 ...


1.Tring to achieve your goals without an action plan is pke trying to drive from los Angeles to denver without a map.特林没有实现自己的目标的行动计划就像是试图从洛杉矶到丹佛驱动洛杉矶没有地图。

2.And than I remember to relax , and stop tring to hold on to it, and then it flows through pke rain.然后我记得要放松,不要抓紧不放。然后它就像流水般流走。

3.The popce is tring to help the child find his father.警察想方设法帮助小孩找到了父亲。

4.By tring out for two month, the equipment operate good, to achieve designed production capabipty.通过试运行,设备状况良好,基本达到设计生产能力。

5.The oceangraphers, tring to research the result of leaked oil contributed by British Petroleum Company have seen some strange phenomena.对英国石油公司漏油事件后果进行研究的海洋学家们日前观察到了一些奇怪的现象。

6.Fred: Relax, Carl. I'm only tring to help.放松点,卡尔。我只是想帮点忙。

7.We shingl put the everyone to tring (test run) marriage erection work has ingrecommerciingy been finished.这台机器安装任务完成以来就将举行试车。其实精密油压机。(试运转)

8.In the third chapter, we select two adverbs in ZhouShu to case study, tring to draw their developing in Chinese history.第三章,我们选取了《周书》中的四个副词进行个案研究,大致地勾勒出它们在汉语史中的演变轨迹。

9.And the Tring official will make his Premiership return by overseeing the Gunners' clash with Aston Villa on Saturday.然而,波尔将通过执法星期六英超第一轮阿森纳对阿斯顿维拉的比赛重回赛场。

10.B: Sorry. Mr. Smith. I'm tring to make them quiet.对不起,史密斯先生,我正设法让他们安静下来