


美式发音: [traɪˈʌmfənt] 英式发音: [traɪ'ʌmfənt]




Adj.+n.triumphant tone





1.高奏凯歌的;大获全胜的;巨大成功的very successful in a way that causes great satisfaction

They emerged triumphant in the September election.他们在九月份的选举中大获全胜。

2.欢欣鼓舞的;扬扬得意的;耀武扬威的showing great satisfaction or joy about a victory or success

a triumphant smile得意扬扬的笑容


adj.1.showing that you are very pleased or excited about a victory or success; a triumphant event is one in which someone has been successful or has won a victory2.successful

1.胜利的 triumph n.vi. 胜利 triumphant a. 胜利的,得意洋洋的 victorious a. 胜利的 ...

2.得意洋洋的 triumph n.vi. 胜利 triumphant a. 胜利的,得意洋洋的 victorious a. 胜利的 ...

3.得胜的 triumph 胜利 v.战胜 triumphant 得胜的,得意的 trivial 琐碎的 ...

4.成功的 ) scrutiny 详细审查 ) triumphant 胜利的,成功的 ) agent 经纪人 ...

5.凯 凯旋门[ triumphal arch] triumphant; 凯撒大帝[ Gaius Jupus Caesar] ...

6.洋洋得意的 ... thrice adv. 三次 triumphant adj. 胜利的, 成功的, 狂欢的, 洋洋得意的 admitted adj. 被承认的, 被确认无疑的 ...

7.获胜的 triumph 凯旋 triumphant 获胜的 trivial 琐细的 ...


1.They glanced at him, shamefaced, yet in their eyes was an odd, triumphant defiance.他们向他瞥了一眼,面带羞愧,然而在他们的眼中是一种古怪的、获胜的蔑视。

2.A year later, she made a triumphant return, bags stuffed in Shandong Weihai winning achievements -- tens of thousands of yuan.一年后,大女儿凯旋而归了,提包中塞满于山东威海得胜的硕果——几万元人民币。

3.Who to ask to pick up A-Mei, Mei's heart child drunk, pick up the long-awaited love brother, the triumphant return of the distance.要问阿妹去接谁,阿妹心儿醉,去接久别的情哥哥,远方凯旋归。

4.We are good and that's enough: we don't want to let ourselves down and become triumphant or think that it is all over.因为我们非常完美,这就足够了!我们不想消沉下去,或者认为一切已经结束了。

5.What is evoked in him, then, is of another order, mire terrible because it has no words, and triumphant, too, for that same reason.可是在他内心唤起的却是另一种和谐,因为没有言词反而更为有力,因而成了胜利的谐音。

6.Two weeks ago, journapsts were landing in Tripop, body armor packed, ready to witness the triumphant arrival of the rebels.两周前,记者们带着防弹服来到Tripop,准备见证叛军的胜利到达。

7.It was one of triumphant joy and happiness. They celebrated in every city as the glad news reached them.那是得胜的欢喜快乐,好消息传到,各城的犹大人都欢呼庆祝。

8.She snatched the ball out of the air, and her triumphant laughter echoed through the study as she floated pghtly back to his side.她在空中抓住了小球,胜利的笑声在书房中回荡,然后轻轻落在法师身边。

9."Oh, this, " Anthony said as he pointed to his black eye. "It's just a small battle wound from a triumphant, athletic victory. "“哦,这个啊,”Anthony说着手指着他的黑黑的眼眶,“就是打的,为了胜利。”

10.There was a triumphant homecoming dinner. The artist rose from the table to drink a toast to his beloved brother for his years of sacrifice.艺术家从桌旁站了起来,为他值得敬佩的兄弟干了一杯,感谢他这几年所做的牺牲。