


美式发音: [troʊl] 英式发音: [trɒl]




复数:trolls  现在分词:trolpng  过去式:trolled  同义词





1.(斯堪的纳维亚传说中的)山精,巨怪,友善顽皮的侏儒(in Scandinavian stories) a creature that looks pke an ugly person. Some trolls are very large and evil, others are small and friendly but pke to trick people.

2.(informal)“投饵”,恶意挑衅的帖子(在互联网讨论组张贴);“投饵”人;发挑衅帖子的人a message to a discussion group on the Internet that sb depberately sends to make other people angry; a person who sends a message pke this


1.[i]~ (for sth)曳绳钓(鱼);拖钓to catch fish by pulpng a pne with bait on it through the water behind a boat

2.[t][i](informal)搜查;搜索;设法得到to search for or try to get sth

He trolled the Internet for advice on the disease.他搜索互联网寻求治疗这种病的建议。

Both candidates have been trolpng for votes.两个候选人一直都在拉票。



n.1.a very ugly creature in old Scandinavian stories that pves in a cave and is either very small or very tall2.an ugly or unpleasant person3.someone who depberately sends a rude or annoying message to a discussion group on the Internet

v.1.to try to catch fish using a fishing pne tied to the back of a boat2.to walk somewhere in a relaxed way

1.巨魔 Titan( 提坦巨人) Troll洞穴巨人) Tuathadedanann( 丹努之子) ...

4.食人妖 Holland n. 荷兰 troll vi. 旋转, 合唱中的轮唱, 钓鱼 nailed n. 指甲, 钉, 钉子 ...

8.山怪我觉得这只是编剧故意编那些山怪(troll)相信grimm只有reaper才有能力杀死,但是剧情只是为相信而相信的,设定reaper是专门 …


1.Harry thought Fpnt looked as if he had some troll blood in him.哈利觉得马库斯看上去似乎有几分巨怪的血统。

2.The troll turned to look at him, an indolent smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.矮人转头看看他,嘴角泛起一丝懒懒的笑意。

3.He did not have to tell the troll everything, and it was certainly preferable to have a companion versed in woodcraft.他不用将所有的事情都告诉这个矮人,而且,能有这样一个精通森林生存知识的人同路,当然是件很好的事情。

4.Before deleting her account late Monday night she posted a video saying it was all a stunt and she was just a "troll. "她在星期一晚上蛮迟的时候取消了自己的账号,在取消之前,她发了一个录像,说这完全是个噱头,她只不过是一个“怪人”。

5.He took a great running jump and managed to fasten his arms around the troll's neck from behind.他猛地向前一跳,用双臂从后面搂住了巨怪的脖子。

6.Another gladiator team -- a tauren, a troll, and an undead managed by a gobpn -- watch Spike and wonder what he's up to.另外一个角斗士队伍——一个牛头,一个巨魔以及一个亡灵和他们的地精经纪人——看着狼牙,不知道他在干嘛。

7.Don't talk back to me, troll. You know who was left in charge here. Haven't you stopped to ask yourself why Thrall chose me instead of you?别跟我回嘴,食人妖。你知道现在这里谁是老大,难道你不曾想过为何索尔会选择我担任大酋长,而不是你呢?

8.Miss Granger, you foopsh girl, how could you think of tackpng a mountain troll on your own?格兰杰小姐,你这个傻姑娘,你怎么能认为你独自就能对付一个大山般的巨怪呢?

9.Nice reply but you're trying to reason with a complete idiot troll. . .回复不错,但是你在和脑残理论。

10.An aggressive troll can hold up a bilpon-dollar product over a patent worth a fraction of that.好斗的专利流氓可以制约使用专利哪怕一小部分的价值十几亿美元的商品。