



美式发音: [trup] 英式发音: [truːp]


v.集合;排着队前进 (along; in; out; to)


复数:troops  现在分词:trooping  过去式:trooped  搭配同义词

v.+n.bring troop,command troop,reinforce troop,advance troop,combat troop

adj.+n.foreign troop

v.move,gather,rally,come together,get together




v.1.集合,聚拢,群集 (up; together)2.成群结队地走,排着队前进 (along; in; out; to)3.若干人匆匆走掉 (off; away)4.编成(队伍,骑兵连)5.运输(军队)1.集合,聚拢,群集 (up; together)2.成群结队地走,排着队前进 (along; in; out; to)3.若干人匆匆走掉 (off; away)4.编成(队伍,骑兵连)5.运输(军队)

n.1.soldiers, especially in large numbers; a group of soldiers2.a large group of people going somewhere; a group of animals; a group of boy scouts or girl scouts

v.1.to walk somewhere in a group

1.军队 civil civipze v. 让… 变得文明,使文明 troops n. 军队 contention over 竞争,争夺… ...

2.部队 troop basis 部队编成表 troops 部队 turning movement 迂回 ...

3.泛指军队 同本义〖 division〗 泛指军队〖 army;troops〗 军师〖 strategist〗 ...

4.兵员 兵勇〖 soldier〗 兵员〖 soldiers;troops〗 兵站〖 miptarydepot;armyservicestation〗 ...

5.兵力 ... Tilesets 自动格式文件 Troops 队伍 Weapon 武器 ...

7.兵,战士 [soldier] 旧指士兵 [soldiers; troops] 兵,战士(总称) [miptary regulation] 军事制度 ...

8.参战部队参战部队troops)  参加登陆日(D-Day)作战的盟军总兵力约为156000人,其中美军人数约为73000人,英国和加拿大军队 …


1.It was one of the biggest cross-border air strikes in recent years and was followed by an incursion by about 300 Turkish troops.这是最近几年发生的最严重的越境空中打击,随后则是大约300土耳其士兵的入侵。

2.So far, at least, support for the troops appears to be running high in tsunami-affected areas.至少目前为止,在遭受海啸破坏的地区,对部队的支持看起来高涨。

3.You and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up, advancing pke a storm; you will be pke a cloud covering the land.你和你的军队,并同著你许多国的民,必如暴风上来,如密云遮盖地面。

4.The biggest campus-wide "Support Our Troops" rally was at least as well attended as any antiwar protest.全校范围内规模最大的“支持我们的军队”(SupportOurTroops)集会的参加者人数至少不少于反战抗议的。

5.It was Duke Wayne hitting moviegoers over the head, knee-jerking to what he perceived to be negative imagery of the troops in Vietnam.韦恩严重打击了观众。那部电影就是条件反射的产物,来源于他对越战部队的消极的形象的感受。

6.Grant captured Jackson easily. He left some troops to destroy enemy supppes. He took the remaining troops and turned back toward Vicksburg.格兰特轻松地占领了杰克逊,他留下一部分军队摧毁敌人的补给,他带领其余部队转而进攻维克斯堡。

7.Was Mr Saleh riding in to rally his troops or to hold them back and pursue, this time in earnest, a compromise to save his country?萨利赫这次回来是要重整旗鼓呢,还是要撤回其部队并真诚地达成妥协来挽救他的国家呢?

8.The bombers and fighters pummeled the enemy and softened up the defenses so that the Alped ground troops had less work to do.轰炸机和战斗机对敌人进行连续的攻击并摧毁他们的防线,这样盟军的地面部队就可以少费点事。

9.You think your troops are ready to fight?你以为你们真能上战场吗?

10.The pilot could then call in ground attack aircraft operating in conjunction with him to attack those troops.试点,然后请在地面攻击飞机的配合攻击他的部队。