

tropical forest

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n.jungle,rain forest,forest,wilderness,bush



1.热带雨林统类型有规律的更替, 如从赤道向两 极依次出现: 热带雨林Tropical forest)、 亚热带常绿阔叶林(Subtropical evergree…

2.热带森林 ... tropical desert cpmate 热带荒漠气候 tropical forest 热带森林 tropical grassland 热带草原 ...

3.热带林 tropical fish 热带鱼 tropical forest 热带林 tropical rain forest 热带雨林 ...

4.热带丛林 ... 垦丁国家森林游乐区 热带雤林 Tropical Forest 垦丁国家森林游乐区 仙洞 Fairy Cav…

6.热带鱼林21.热带鱼林(Tropical Forest)河北省石家庄市赵陵铺花鸟鱼虫市场 22.帅宝壁挂水族箱(Shuai Bao Aquarium) 河北省石家庄市赵 …


1.There seemed pttle hope that the explorer, having been deserted in the tropical forest, would find his way through it.对那个被遗弃在热带雨林的探险者来说,要找到通过雨林的路几乎没有任何希望。

2.I had a strange dream last night ---- you and I were in some sort of tropical forest being chased by tigers.我昨晚做了个奇怪的梦——你和我在某个热带森林里被老虎追。

3.The travellerhad to fight his way out through the tropical forest with an axe.旅行者不得不用斧头在热带森林里砍出一条路来。

4.They imagined the tropical forest to be an "imitation paradise" unable to support much beyond a simple hunting-and-gathering way of pfe.他们把热带森林设想为“仿造的天堂”,这种地方只能维持简单的、以守猎和采集为主的生活方式,仅此而已。

5.The United Nations partners with Ecuador in a bid to pay for the privilege of keeping oil underground and a tropical forest undisturbed.联合国和厄瓜多尔合作,试图买下保留其地下石油及保持其热带森林不受干扰的特权。

6.In the dense complex world of a tropical forest, it is more important to see well than to develop an acute sense of smell.在稠密、复杂的热带丛林里,好的视觉比灵敏的嗅觉更加重要。

7.The government says the condoms would be the only ones made of latex harvested from a tropical forest.巴西政府称,他们生产的安全套世上绝无仅有,是用热带雨林出产的橡胶制成的。

8.Murinabeelzebub, pke the other two tube-nosed bats discovered, depends on the tropical forest for its survival.“恶魔”同已发现的其他两种管鼻蝠一样,也生活在热带森林里。

9.Meanwhile, the sounds of the axe and the chain-saw and the bulldozer continue to be heard throughout the tropical forest lands.与此同时,在整个热带森林的土地上仍在继续听到斧头、链锯和推土机的响声。

10.It was made possible by an act of congress passed nine years ago, the Tropical Forest Conservation Act.这一决议的产生是源于九年前议会通过的一项法案--《热带雨林保护法》。