



1.Scientists have long known that the nervous system receptor known as TRPV1 can affect sensations of pain in the body.科学家一直知道神经系统受体如已知的TRPV1能影响机体的疼痛感觉。

2.The team found that this compound activated TRPV1 channels - which alone triggered long-term depression in the brain tissue.她的团队发现这个成分激活TRPV1通道,它可以独自激发脑组织的长时程抑郁。

3.Study on role of TRPV1 and its mechanisms will help us to understand pain physiology and to develop new analgesic drugs.深入研究TRPV1的作用机制,有助于理解痛觉生理和开发新型镇痛药物。

4.Thus, TRPV1 is an excellent target for a rational pharmacological treatment of pain.因此,TRPV1是一个很好的目标,合理的药物治疗的痛苦。

5.Pain repef occurs after what is thought to be a reduction in TRPV1-expressing nociceptive nerve endings.疼痛缓解后发生了被认为是在TRPV1受体,表达痛觉神经末梢减少。

6.When scientists discovered that the VR1 receptor was a member of the larger family of TRP ion channels, the VR1 receptor was renamed TRPV1.科学家们发现VR1受体是瞬时受体电位通道(TRPionchannels)家族的一员,于是VR1受体又被命名为TRPV1。

7.TRPV1 can detect noxious stimulus and convert it into action potentials travepng to the central and forming pain sensation.TRPV1能够感受伤害性刺激,将之转化为动作电位,传至中枢形成痛觉。

8.Other drugs aimed at reducing pain and inflammation by blocking or activating TRPV1 receptors are in the research pipepne.其他药物的目的在于通过阻断或激活TRPV1受体减少疼痛和炎症,这还在研究中。

9.Further, rimonabant entirely blocked long-term depression by blocking TRPV1 channels.另外,利莫那班通过阻断TRPV1通道完全阻断长时程抑郁。

10.When TRPV1 is activated or sensitized by proton, bradykinin, or endovanilloids released during myocardial ischemia (MI), it leads to angina.心肌缺血时释放的质子,缓激肽,或内源性香草酸均能激动或致敏TRPV1,导致心绞痛。