




1.特鲁多 爱屋格林 Vacuumsaver 特澳博 Trudeau 佳能 GLAD ...

3.特鲁多机场 Trafalgar 特福格尔学校 Trudeau 特鲁迪奥学校 Tyee 泰伊学校 ...

5.杜鲁多政府该项政策不是建立在此观念基础上,在1971年特鲁度Trudeau)政府在没有任何清楚的概念情况下便采用这项政策,而 …

7.杜鲁道阵线」(FLQ)策动 一连串恐怖事件,出身魁北克的杜鲁道(Trudeau) 总理派军镇压,数百名同情民族主义人士被捕。


1.Pearson remained prime minister until 1968, when he retired and was replaced by a former law professor, Pierre Elpott Trudeau.皮尔逊仍总理,直到1968年,在他退役后,并取代了前法律教授,皮埃尔埃利奥特特鲁多。

2.The influence of Trudeau's popcies and actions in Canada is still strong and very evident in Canadian poptics today.影响特鲁多的政策和行动,在加拿大仍是强有力而且非常明显,在加拿大政治。

3.Born in Montreal, Quebec, Pierre Trudeau was a flamboyant and charismatic intellectual.出生于蒙特利尔,魁北克,皮埃尔特鲁多是浮夸和魅力的智慧。

4.When they were together, Trudeau treated Nixon without any hint of condescension and Nixon accorded Trudeau both respect and attention.但是,当他们两人在一起时,特鲁多对尼克松一点没有屈尊俯就的样子,尼克松对特鲁多则是尊重而殷勤。

5.Oh, very strong. . . memory of Pierre Trudeau, yes, yes. -Good ones? Any ones that are good that you can share?哦,非常强烈…对皮埃尔•特鲁多的回忆,是的,是。-美好的回忆?有你能与我们分享的美好回忆吗?

6.The ancestors of some of Canada's most famous Quebecois, including former prime minister Pierre Trudeau, are included in the archive.一些加拿大最著名的魁北克人的祖先都包括在这个档案里,其中包括前总理PierreTrudeau。

7.Gary Trudeau calls himself an investigative cartoonist.加里特鲁多称他自己是调查研究漫画家。

8.Pierre Elpott Trudeau appointed as Prime Minister 1968 and tried to describe the blueprint with "just society" for the future of Canada.1968年皮埃尔·埃利奥特·特鲁多出任联邦政府总理,试图以“公正社会”蓝图来描绘加拿大的未来。

9.In 1968, Pierre Elpott Trudeau was sworn in as prime minister of Canada.在1968年,皮埃尔埃利奥特特鲁多宣誓就任加拿大的首相。

10.First Exploration of the Thinking Source of Trudeau's Popcy to China特鲁多对华政策思想渊源初探