




1.受信任证书 Keystore( 密钥库) Trusted certificate受信任证书) User key( 用户密钥) ...

2.可信任的证书tificate Authority)中的某家获取可信任证书Trusted Certificate)。

4.可信证书ate key)及证书来保护用户指定的数据,或使用可信证书trusted certificate)验证数据上的签名(signature)。

5.可信任的证书实体 可信任的证书实体trusted certificate Apas( 别名) ...

6.信任的凭证 Trusted Certificate - 信任的凭证 Trustpoint - 信任点 ...


1.In the digital world, PKI certificates issued by trusted certificate authorities can be seen as providing a "proof" of a claimed identity.而在数字世界中,由可信的证书权威机构发放的PKI证书可以被视为提供了一个所声称的身份的“证据”。

2.Unfortunately, it potentially still admits anyone holding a certificate issued by any of the default trusted certificate authorities.遗憾的是,仍有可能接纳持有由任何缺省的受信任证书颁发机构颁发的证书的任何人。

3.If the old solution is signed with a trusted certificate, sign the updated solution with the same certificate.如果旧方案是使用信任的凭证进行签署,请使用相同的凭证来签署更新的方案。

4.Additionally, it is a best practice to configure Outlook Web Access to use forms-based authentication with a trusted certificate.此外,最好将OutlookWebAccess配置为通过受信任的证书使用基于表单的身份验证。

5.The properties of certificate chain and the thermos to determine the trusted certificate in certificate chain are also derived and proofed.推导出了证书链的性质、判别证书链中可信数字证书的命题并加以证明。

6.Requires each cpent to obtain a certificate from a mutually trusted certificate authority.要求每个客户端都从互相信任的证书颁发机构获得证书。

7.All keystore entries (key and trusted certificate entries) are accessed with unique apases.所有keystore项(密钥和信任的证书项)都是用唯一别名访问的。

8.When opened, you can create, modify, and delete private key and trusted certificate entries.在打开时,您可以创建、修改和删除私钥和受信任证书项。

9.Truststores -- trusted certificate entry: This type of entry contains a single PKC belonging to another party.信任存储库——受信任的证书条目:这种类型的条目包含单个属于另一方的PKC。

10.Import the CA's certificate as a trusted certificate.导入CA的证书作为受信任的证书。