




1.青 平 ping4 tsing1 生 sang1 ...

2.清 Message 信息 Tsing_ 18:37 Mr_ 小唯々 ...

3.艳夜名伶系列组合 ... KOSE 高丝新葛伦黛娜 净透洁颜霜(140G) Tsing 艳夜名伶系列组合 ▼FpppingBook Pubpsher Basic 基础版 (下载) ...


5.情 tshit 七 tsing e kun tsiah ho khuann 。(红色的上衣要 ...

6.漳州 ... 实」其 khing5 头」(手指),漳州 tsing2, 「此」漳州读 tsia1, ...

7.增 ... (俗) 4599 劈 phik 4158 (替) 5744 tsing 3457 (替) 425 幡 huan 460 ...


1.Tai Chung said the Qilu Tsing. good fortune Jong Soo God, Yin and Yang Xiao cut unconscious.邰橱嗯齐鲁青说。福钟守神,阴与杨西鳌削减昏迷。

2.southwest tsing yi is considered to be a possible location , but is currently occupied by shipyards and mid - stream sites.青衣西南可以考虑为可行的地点,但现时该处为船厂及中流作业用地。

3.Lvzu hole right through the next eastbound turn, will be among the main peak in the view of Tsing Lung Road House.向右经吕祖洞下东行,峰回路转,便到了主峰间的青龙观道院。

4.Tsing Yi, doors will open on the right. Please take all your baggage with you.青衣,右边的车门将会打开,请不要忘记您的行李。

5.One of them is QuPai in the north of China, it turned into drama Tao Tsing in Shanxi, Shanxi, Gansu, and He'nan.其中一支流传北方为曲牌体,在山、陕、甘、豫等地发展演变为戏曲道情。

6.Besides being a scout leader in school, he is now the assistant Tsing Yi district scouter and New Territories East regional scouter .自中四起,他已是校内童军领袖。现时,他更出任青衣区助理区领袖及新界东地域助理地域领袖。

7.The student apartment houses of Tsing Hua University, Capital Normal University and the Eastern University campus were also started.同时开工的还有清华大学、首都师范大学以及东方大学城的学生公寓。

8.after finishing these , this technology is translated and laughed at some situation of having a classes of tsing - hua university.讲完这些之后,这位技术翻译嘲笑了一番清华大学的上课情况。

9.Tsing Zhu is an important anesthetist and composer in recent and modern Chinese music history.青主是中国近现代音乐史上重要的音乐美学家、作曲家。

10.When we mention Tsing Hua University and its examination, you might think of solemn national superior education examination .在中国一提到清华大学和测试,人们很容易联想到严肃的高考。