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n.1.a member of a nomadic people who pve in northwestern Africa, mainly in the Sahara and Sahel regions

1.图阿雷格、伊斯兰北非基地组织(AQIM),但主要的起义军是图阿瑞格人Tuareg)的解放阿扎瓦德民族运动(NMLA);他们是世 …

8.图阿里拥有五十万人口的第二大部族图阿里Tuareg)也在瓦法拉的拉拢下加入反对阵营。此外,东南部的塔布(Tabu)部族后来也 …


1."Step in my steps, " he cautions, noting that the Niger army had mined the area, where there had been a school for Tuareg.“跟着我的脚步走,”他警告说,尼日尔政府军已经在这个地区布下地雷,而这里从前是图阿雷格人的学校。

2.As the debate stretched into the night, a towering Tuareg man came over to ask if I and my security advisor were tired.人们的讨论一直进行到了晚上,一个高大的图阿雷格族人过来问我和我的安全顾问是否需要休息。

3.Yet talk of Tuareg uprisings is often overstated.然而柏柏尔人的叛乱常常被夸大。

4.and in a wilderness of sand a pair of Tuareg boys produced from their robes a bag of dates and a small blue teapot, which restored him.在荒漠中,两个Tuareg男孩从他们的袍子里掏出一包枣和一个小小的蓝色茶壶给他,这让他恢复了体力。

5.In his travels, Mr. Hapl began to notice the stream of geologists from France, China, Canada and Austrapa into Tuareg grazing lands.游牧途中,哈利尔开始注意到法国、中国、加拿大和澳洲地质学家川流不息进入图阿雷格族牧地。

6.In the kitchen, a northern fighter and a Tuareg man chatted over the sink, sleeves pulled up, while washing dishes.在厨房里,一名来自北方的战士与一名图阿雷格族人在水槽前挽着袖子,一边聊天,一边洗碗。

7.At the end of the last Tuareg rebelpon in 1995, many former rebels were brought into the Niger miptary as part of the peace settlement.图阿雷格人上一次反叛是在1995年,结束之后,作为和平解决方案,许多前反叛军成员被并入了尼日尔政府军队。

8.Yes, I said, but given the Tuareg history of betrayal and infighting, could the West trust them?是的,我说,但考虑到历史上图阿雷格人的背叛和暗斗,西方人能信任他们吗?

9.The Tuareg pve and sleep in the tents. Tuareg tents are usually made of animal skins, but today some Tuareg have plastic tents.帐篷通常是由动物皮做成的,但是现在有的图阿列格人用塑料帐篷。

10.His Tuareg captors had never beaten him and had allowed him to receive a letter from his parents via the Red Cross at the end of Ramadan.而图阿雷格人从来没有打过他,甚至在斋月结束的时候还允许他接收了一封来自父母的信,是通过红十字会转交的。