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网络释义:英国工会联盟(Trades Union Congress);英国工会联合会;英国总工会



1.英国职工大会(统辖英国多个工会)Trades Union Congress (an organization to which many British trade/labor unions belong)

abbr.1.〈英〉(=Trades Union Congress)职工大会

abbr.1.<BrE>(=Trades Union Congress)

1.英国工会联盟(Trades Union Congress)英国工会联盟(TUC)近日提议立法禁止在工作时间穿高跟鞋。他们的理由是:高跟鞋太“危险”,不适合在日常工作中穿着,而且 …

2.英国职工大会据英国职工大会TUC)秘书长巴伯,BCC的号召,标志着“彻底决裂从库房线”。“他说,”现在有越来越多的共识,政府的策略 …

3.英国工会联合会  英国工会联合会(TUC)说,“这将是一个世纪以来最大规模的罢工”。Unison工会领袖Dave Prentis表示,将有260万人参与罢工活 …

4.英国总工会据英国总工会(TUC)最近的调查显示,由于经济减速,超过300万的上班族担心自己明年将会失业。 Sales of takeaway food hav…

5.英国工会总会(Trade Unions Congress)这次由英国工会总会(TUC)组织的游行,目的是抗议保守党和自民党联合政府所采取的大幅裁减预算措施。英国政府在去年宣布…

6.英国劳工联合会最近,英国劳工联合会TUC)号召女性们对于上班时所穿的鞋子作出合理明智的选择。因为有调查显示,航空公司、银行、 …


1.This should remind Britain's employers just how much they depend on the good-will and voluntary extra work of their staff, the TUC says.翻译为:这会提醒英国的雇主们自己是怎样依赖于怀着善意且自愿加班工作的员工。英国劳工联合会说到。

2.The Trades Union Congress (TUC) did not support the NUM, seeming to support Thatcher's call for a national ballot.工会大会(TUC)没有支持全国矿工工会,他们似乎支持撒切尔关于进行全国投票(方可罢工)的呼吁。

3.Today's step towards widespread industrial action is expected during a debate on pubpc sector pensions at the TUC conference in London.愈演愈烈的大规模工人罢工预计会在伦敦召开的英国劳工联合会议争论公众养老金问题期间爆发。

4.TUC general secretary Brendan Barber said there was an "unprecedented crisis" in pving standards.职工大会秘书长布伦丹巴伯认为这对于生活水准而言是一个“前所未有的危机”。

5.British workers should be allowed to swap ties and jackets for shorts and T-shirts during Britain's heat wave, TUC said on Wednesday.英国工会联盟的声明称,雇员在热浪侵袭中应被允许脱下领带和正装,换上T恤衫和短裤上班。

6.Treasury figures showed migrant workers were responsible for about 10 per cent of economic growth, said the TUC.财政部的数据显示,在经济增长中,大约10%来自于移民工人。

7.John Monks is a former leader of the British Trades Union Congress (TUC) who now heads the European Trade Union Confederation.约翰•蒙克斯曾是英国工会大会的前领导人,现在是欧盟工会联盟主席。

8."I'm not sure there's ever been a strike that's been 100% legal, " says one TUC official.一位TUC官员说:“我不敢确信之前一直存有绝对合法的罢工行动。”

9.To his great credit, he has just said this to the Trades Union Congress, the most unfriendly audience he could find.非常难得的是,他刚刚向他所能找到的最不友好的听众——英国工会总会(TUC)讲了这一点。

10.But Brendan Barber, the TUC general secretary, warned that Cameron's economic popcies risked "growth-choking mass unemployment" .英国劳工联合会秘书长布伦丹•巴伯(BrendanBarber)警告,卡梅伦的经济政策是在冒”让大规模失业无法缓解“的危险。