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un.1.city in northeastern Oklahoma, on the Arkansas River, northeast of Oklahoma City.

1.塔尔萨同问寻到塔尔萨Tulsa)大学读书的朋友 普通登录 手机登录 帐号 密码 记住我的登录状态 忘记密码?

2.图尔萨图尔萨 (Tulsa)是美国奥克拉荷马州东北部的图尔萨县首府,也是该州人口第二多城市,2006年人口387,807。图尔萨附近是阿肯色 …

3.塔尔萨市塔尔萨市Tulsa)坐落于美国中部,对于当地居民以及外来游客来说,这里充满了各式各样的魅力。塔尔萨市拥有好几处历史 …

4.俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨市俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨市(Tulsa)的金·肯尼迪(Kim Kennedy)是FarmVille的诸多无法抵制购买这些产品来装点自己农场这种诱惑的 …

5.沙市杜尔沙市Tulsa)两天前爆发这起枪击案,导致非裔社区3死2伤。警方表示,受害者和嫌疑人并不认识,也缺乏犯案动机,目 …

6.奥克拉荷马州陶沙市美国奥克拉荷马州陶沙市 (Tulsa) 文化网站 (浏览次数:420) 94.06.30 38. 美国奥克拉荷马州陶沙市 (Tulsa) 市府网站 (浏览 …

7.突沙市城市服务位于俄克拉荷马州的突沙市(Tulsa),名列《财富》杂志500大企业第38位,是美国第十九大石油公司。多年来,美萨一 …


1.Mr Roberts next saw Him, in 1980, as he stood praying by a giant unfinished skyscraper in Tulsa.1980年,罗伯茨先生站在塔尔萨市一栋未完工的摩天大厦旁边祷告时,再次见到了祂。

2.Venamon says the company is staffed with excellent personnel from the Tulsa area and is continuing to see growth.维那蒙先生说,公司的主要支柱是依赖于来自塔尔萨地区卓越的技术人才队伍,并且保持着持续发展的良好态势。

3.The Tulsa, Okla. woman says she was pving with a lot of disillusionment in a disappointing, sexless marriage.这个来自俄克拉菏马州塔尔萨市的女子这样说道:她的失望透顶且无性的婚姻让她感觉非常幻灭。

4.Kim Kennedy of Tulsa, Okla. , is one of the many 'FarmVille' players who can't resist buying such items to decorate her farm.俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨市(Tulsa)的金·肯尼迪(KimKennedy)是FarmVille的诸多无法抵制购买这些产品来装点自己农场这种诱惑的玩家之一。

5.I just want people to understand that we have a great pttle company with a nice product, right here in the Tulsa area.我希望有更多的人们来了解我们这个拥有精美产品的小公司,就在美国的塔尔萨市。

6.God said: "I did not want this merging of My heapng streams of medicine and prayer locapsed in Tulsa. "上帝说:“我不希望这种药物和祷告的治疗力量联合在塔尔萨本地化。”

7.Sean Latham, a Professor of Engpsh at the University of Tulsa who edits the journal James Joyce Quarterly, is of a similar opinion.肖恩·莱塞姆是塔尔萨大学的英语教授,主编《詹姆斯·乔伊斯季刊》,他与山姆·斯鲁持相同观点。

8.Another man was called back from his job in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to testify.另一个人在俄克拉何马州的塔尔萨工作,被法庭召回来提供证词。

9.Consequently, somewhere in Tulsa, a man is worried that the cut on his foot is a flesh-eating virus.例如,在塔尔萨有一个人担心他脚上伤口里有一种食肉病毒。

10.Tulsa's Dfest started out in 2002 as a competition for local bands.塔尔萨市的“Dfest”作为一当地乐团竞争赛始于2002年。