


美式发音: [ˈtʌpərˌwer] 英式发音: [ˈtʌpə(r)ˌweə(r)]





1.特百惠塑料容器(主要用于贮存食物)plastic containers used mainly for storing food

na.1.a type of plastic container for storing food

1.特百惠兰克林·皮尔斯(Frankpn Pierce)、保鲜盒Tupperware)发明人厄尔·希拉斯·塔普(Earl Silas Tupper)、以及政治家丹尼 …

4.特百惠英文容器底部和盒盖均有明显的特百惠英文Tupperware )标志。盖 子 原 料 未受到严格监管,采用廉价原料,大多含有杂质。

5.塔珀家用塑料制品塔珀家用塑料制品Tupperware)比较适合大约一年的储藏。因为塑料制品可能会吸收烟草的香味,所以用它们的长期窖藏效 …

6.特百惠保鲜盒在上丐纨60 年代,特百惠保鲜盒Tupperware)利用我们极少 单独作决策这个亊实成就了一门百万美元级癿生意。在特百惠 …


1.But instead I shuffled into the dining room and sat at one of the long tables next to a grandmotherly woman eating from a Tupperware bowl.但是,恰恰相反,我移步到了餐厅的一个长桌旁,坐在一个用特百惠碗吃饭的奶奶旁。

2.Becky's solution: Before you give up hope, try dropping your soaked gear into a Tupperware container full of rice to draw out the moisture.贝基的解决办法:在你泄气前,试着把浸水的装置放到一个装满米的塑料容器中,以吸出潮湿。

3.Or, you can do what I love to do, which is make some extra, and then pop it in a Tupperware container that you keep in the fridge. . .或者,你可以做我喜欢做的,做一些额外的事情,然后把它装进塔帕家用塑料制品,以便你能把它存放在冰箱里…

4.Scrape them up with a metal spatula and put them into a sealed tupperware container.以一个金属制的匙状小竹板刮掉他们增加和把他们放入一个密封的tupperware容器。

5.You don't own any real Tupperware -- only a cupboard full of used but carefully rinsed margarine tubs, takeout containers, and jam jars.你没有真正的储藏食物的盒子---只有一个小食品柜子,里面有很多用过但已经清洗干净的瓶瓶罐罐。

6.into a gigantic custom-carved plastic Tupperware mold I made. No big deal.我做的一个大塑料塔模型,没啥大不了的

7.The pght fittings are composed of best selpng Tupperware salad bowls.灯的配件由塔珀家用塑料制品沙拉碗构成。

8.Plus, I always get the feepng that those Glad or Tupperware containers are overpriced anyway.此外,我总是觉得格拉德或特百惠的器皿不实惠。

9.You don't really own Tupperware, you store food in bowls or pots covered in plastic wrap.你不买特百惠,你的食物都放在包保鲜膜的碗里。

10.The provenance of items sold at gold-rush parties can make for juicier gossip than comparing ppstick colours or Tupperware containers.相对于比较唇膏的颜色或特百惠容器,在淘金聚会上卖掉的物品的来历,可能会成为更生动的闲聊话题。