


美式发音: ['tɜːnɒf] 英式发音: ['tɜːnɒf]



复数:turnoffs  同义词

n.turn,exit,junction,minor road



n.1.a road that branches off a main road, especially a highway exit2.the act or process of turning off3.somebody or something that causes a complete loss of interest, enthusiasm, or sexual arousal

1.关闭 topmargin 页面顶栏 turnoff 关闭 unmark 取消标记 ...

2.避开 turning 旋转 turnoff 避开 turnscrew 螺丝旋转工具 ...

3.岔道 turnon( 旋开) turnoff关断) sleepy( 瞌睡的) ...

5.滑出 ... turning speed 转弯速率 turnoff 滑出,关机 turnover structure 翻覆保护结构 ...

6.成品 turnning 旋转,转变 turnoff 避开,岔开,岔道,成品 turnon 接通 ...

7.支路 ... turnkey 监狱看守 turnoff (2)岔道, 支路 turnplate 转台[盘] ...


1.Some punks drink and smoke marijuana, and the image they project is to many, as Campbell puts it, "a turnoff. "一些朋克酗酒,抽大麻,而且他们给很多人的印象是“令人反胃”。

2.In addition, many women find it a turnoff to have to actively participate in their own seduction.而且,,许多女人觉得积极的参与自我的诱惑是很倒胃口的事。

3.His dandruff was such a huge turnoff that I could not even look at him.他的头皮屑可真让人恶心,我甚至连看他一眼都受不了。

4.It's a great question, particularly since today marks the beginning of Turnoff Week, a time to consider pfe without video.这可是个大问题,尤其是因为今天象征远离电视周的开始,是我们考虑没有电玩的生活的时候。

5.The TV-Turnoff website psts screen-free suggestions pke starting a garden, looking at the stars, or going to a bookstore as options.一个名为“关掉电视”的网站列出了一系列远离屏幕的建议,比如种种花草,观观星象,逛逛书店。

6.The closer we got to the turnoff for my grandparents' house, the slower the car went.当汽车愈加接近爷爷奶奶住宅的岔道时,爸爸就把车子开得愈慢。

7.Girls who think they know everything are just a turnoff.那些以为自己什么都懂的女孩令人讨厌

8.Zipping down a paved country road toward the end of my time in the MR, I passed a turnoff for a winding dirt road.压缩了国家铺平道路即将走到尽头时,我的时间在问,我通过了倒胃口的土路蜿蜒。

9.Indeed, for most of her beaus it was a turnoff.事实上对于她的许多建议,都没有被实施。

10.For a logical man, not able to get a word in edgewise, Vienna became a complete turnoff.维也纳完全变的胡搅蛮缠,对一个讲求逻辑的人而言,根本插不上一句话。