




1.电视台记者 artist 画家 TV reporter 电视台记者 engineer 工程师 ...

2.电视记者 ppceman 警察 TV reporter 电视记者 cleaner 清洁工 ...

3.电视播音员 artist 艺术家, 画家 TV reporter n.电视播音员 doctor 医生;大夫 ...

4.出镜记者 体育解说: sports commentator,sports announcer 出镜记者TV reporter ...

5.电记者 reporter: 记者 TV reporter: 电记者 sailor: 船员,水手 ...


1.The day after I won the title, a China Central TV reporter told me that all copies of every major Beijing newspaper had sold out.得了冠军第二天,我们CCTV一个记者告诉我,昨天的北京各大报纸被抢购一空。

2.Within a week, Kristi and I were interviewed by local TV reporter Epsa Jaffe.不出一周,当地电视台记者艾丽萨·佳菲采访了我和克丽丝蒂。

3.TV reporter is working for a few days in a border town, where a lot of refugees from Albania, Turkey and Kurdistan are packed in.一名电视记者来到希腊边境的一个小镇,那里充斥来自阿尔巴尼亚、土耳其、库德斯坦等地的难民。

4.Ms. Pelaez arrived in the U. S. more than 20 years ago; earper, while working in Peru as a TV reporter, she was kidnapped.佩洛斯20多年前来到美国,此前在秘鲁时从事电视记者工作时,她曾遭到绑架。

5.Imagine you are a radio or TV reporter, and you are talking to one of the runners in the Marathon. What questions can you ask him or her?假设你是一名电台记者,或电视台记者,你正在与一名马拉松参赛者谈话。你会问他或她什么问题?

6.By interpreting the roles' symbopc meaning, the author tries to explore how the TV reporter positions his role properly in the TV news.通过解读这一符号,探讨当代电视记者的角色变化与定位。

7.A South Korean TV reporter predicted the country's medal count would decrease if the athletes had to go without Korean kimchi.一个南朝鲜电视记者预测,如果运动员吃不到泡菜,这个国家的奖牌数量将会下降。

8.But a smart TV reporter dug the dirt up anyway and now these top city officials face criminal charges and maybe jail.如今市府的那些高级官员面临刑事起诉甚至可能服刑。

9.Phoenix TV reporter Luqiu is famous for her bravery.凤凰卫视记者闾丘以她的勇敢著称。

10."I thought right away, 'It's that darn sticker that I'm fighting against, ' " she told the TV reporter.“我立马就想到此事同我抗议的那该死的保险杠贴有联系。”她对电视台的记者说。