


网络释义:Test of Writing Engpsh; 写作; 托福写作考试


1.Test of Writing EngpshTWE (Test of Writing Engpsh): 可以看作是TOEFL的写作部分,满分6分,考试和TOEFL一起报名。TSE (Test of Spoken Engps…

2.写作写作:独立写作试题类似于现行托福的写作(TWE),要求考生在30分钟内就某一话题阐述自己的观点,字数要求为300词以上 另一道 …


4.英语写作考试英语写作考试twe)通过让考生撰写短文来测量其英语写作能力。这种能力包括提出和组织论点、用事例或证据加以论证、用 …


1.They were both significantly difference for leaf and stem and root and whole plan of twe groups.并且两组的叶、茎、根及整株差异都为显著。

2.With the depression of twe industry, the expenses of hotels or restaurants are beside their benefits.随着旅业界的不景气,宾馆和饭店也开端捉襟见肘。

3.with exercise (TWE) on cardio-cerebral hemodynamics in the middle-aged and young men with hypertension.目的:探讨海水浴体疗操对中青年高血压病患者疗养后心脑血流动力学的影响。

4.We'll offer twe guides comppmentary breakfasts.咱们给陪同给予免费早餐。

5.TWe make all of the employees to tour together annually.企业每年组织一次全体员工的集体旅游渡假。

6.It took them twe days to cross the big mountain.他们花了两天时间来爬这座大山。

7.He was so ill tha twe had to send for a doctor.他病得如此严重,我们只好给他请医生了。

8.Miss cat: See, I have twe TVs and a telephone.猫小姐:看,我有两台电视机和一台电话机。

9.I can set up a twe near week.我能够安排在下个礼拜参观。

10.We are go to visit we daughter or her abodehold in Toronto or go on a twe of Canada.咱们到多伦多探亲,看看女儿一家,游览一下欧洲的风景。