


美式发音: [twid] 英式发音: [twiːd]






1.[u](杂色)粗花呢a type of thick rough cloth made of wool that has small spots of different coloured thread in it

a tweed jacket粗花呢短上衣

2.[pl]粗花呢服装clothes made of tweed


n.1.a type of thick rough cloth made from wool of different colors2.a suit made from tweed

1.粗花呢 粗面粉〖 shipstuff〗 粗呢tweed〗 粗朴〖 simple〗 ...

4.斜纹软呢套装元素的运动服饰(Jersey suit)、两件式的斜纹软呢套装Tweed)、打破旧有价值观的人造珠宝、带有浓郁女性主义色彩的山 …

5.特威德 material: 衣料 tweed呢绒 cashmere: 茄士咪 ...


1.The Hollywood version of me: a young starlet with impossibly shiny hair and a tweed blazer.在好莱坞电影中,我是这样的形象:影视圈新秀,秀发飘逸亮泽,穿花呢外套。

2.She's a dark-haired girl with brown eyes and she's dressed in a blue tweed skirt and a white blouse.是位闪着棕色眼睛的黑头发姑娘。她穿着一条蓝色花呢裙子,上面配白衬衣。

3.I was greeted by an older man in a tweed jacket and a knit scarf.招呼我的是一位身穿粗呢夹克围着针织围巾的老人。

4.They would be the perfect autumn evening sandal: cosy and refined with navy opaque tights, or mental with a spm tweed coat and bare legs.他们会成为完美的秋季晚会凉鞋:舒适而优雅,搭配深蓝色不透明紧身衣,或瘦身斜纹软呢大衣并露出大腿。

5.In an age mildly embarrassed by the royal males' enthusiasm for wearing tweed and kilpng wildpfe, her middle-class origins are a plus.皇家公子都热衷于身穿花呢和野生动物皮毛衣服,在这样的时代着实让米尔顿有些尴尬。然而更尴尬的是,她出身于中产阶级家庭。

6.I saw him looking closely at the colors in the tweed. They seemed to fascinate him, so again I gave him my jacket.我见他近距离的观察并著迷于花呢的颜色,所以我再次把我的夹克送给了他。

7.A herringbone tweed jacket in brown, blue or gray: Tweed is the easiest and most classic way for a man to bring color into his wardrobe.斜纹花呢夹克,颜色为棕色、蓝色或灰色:男人要想让自己的衣橱色彩丰富一些,花呢是最简单易行、同时又是最经典的方式。

8.In the beginning of The Fox and the Hound, an orphaned red fox (Tod) finds a new home with the Widow Tweed.在狐狸与猎犬电影的最开头,一只红色的孤儿狐狸Tod在Tweed寡妇那里安了新家。

9.Bedding materials on the market can be roughly divided into tabby , tweed, satin weave, several fabric compared characteristics vary.市场上的床上用品面料大体分为平纹、斜纹、缎纹,几种面料相比较,特点各有不同。

10.It took a while before I remembered I was not plac, I was looking at Lilac tweed.过了好一会儿,我才记起我不是紫丁香,我是在看丁香花呢。