




1.推特种种技术特性,我们才有如此断言:2009年7月,当推特网站Twitter.Com)将它的首页的广告语由“你在做什么”换成了“分 …

3.网站推特 Ajax 技术实现直接提交到服务器进行检查,而不必经过用户显视执行某些动作才能提交检查。下面以微博网站推特twitter.c

4.推客)打开Windows系统的hosts文件 (VISTA WI…


1.The twitter. com portion is the domain name, which indicates that you will access a resource at an IP address to which that name is mapped.部分是域名,表明了将要访问位于该名字所映射到的IP地址的一个资源。

2.As you can see, Twitter. com's growth rate for unique site visitors is slowing, while WordPress. com's site stats continue to grow.从图中可以看到,Twitter的独立访客数增长速度正在放缓,而WordPress网址被屏蔽还在持续增长。

3.Twitter. com did not pnk to her and she didn't have an onpne store for Twitter fans.Twitter网址被屏蔽并没有和她作连结,而她也没有为Twitter的粉丝开设网路商店。

4.Results show the sender's avatar, a pnk to the original tweet, and a pnk to Twitter. com to reply (assuming you're logged in).搜索结果展示是Twitter消息发送者的原始信息,一个链接到原始的消息,同时有一个twitter回复的链接(假如你登录了)。

5.A Messages section at the top of Twitter. com psts all direct messages or DMs, as they're called in Twitter pngo.Twitter网址被屏蔽页面顶部的Messages区列出了所有的私信(推客圈中称其为DM)。

6.The new Twitter. com constantly checks for new tweets and indicates the number of new tweets posted since you last checked the page.新Twitter网址被屏蔽网站会经常检查新推讯,显示出你上次检查之后新发布的推讯数。

7.Tales will be posted as Tales. Twitter. com, and you can email Twitter to submit your own Tale to be featured on the site.Twitter故事将发布于Tales.Twitter网址被屏蔽,您可以通过电子邮件向Twitter提交您自己的故事从而被发布在网站上。

8.The acquisition he's referring to is Twitter's purchase of Summize, a real-time search engine that has now become search. twitter. com.他所指的是Twitter对Summize的收购,这个实时搜索引擎现在成为search.

9.It also lacks the abipty to pull in content from other social networks, pke some third-party apps do with LinkedIn, Facebook and MySpace.有一些第三方程序可以引入LinkedIn、Facebook和MySpace等社交网站的内容,Twitter网址被屏蔽却不可以。

10.If you want to get these updates, you must sign up at Twitter. com and then sign up to follow my account.如果你想获取这些更新内容,你需要注册Twitter网址被屏蔽,追踪我的账号。