




1.两个玻璃杯 41. pineapple 菠萝 1.two glasses 两个玻璃杯 2.in pairs 两人一组 ...

2.两只玻璃杯 glass 玻璃— two glasses 两只玻璃杯/ a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 ...

3.应是b、 (two glass )有误, 应是two glasses)glass可数,前面是two,应是复数。d、 1、(two glassed )有误,应是(two g…


1.He squeezed his wife's pale arm and put the two glasses on her table.他捏了捏妻子苍白的手臂,把两个杯子搁在她的桌上。

2."There are only two glasses in a ptre. " "Thank you, " said Jack, and went over to where Joe was standing at the other end of the bar.“只有公升的二副眼镜”“谢谢你,”杰克说,而且改为乔正在酒吧的另一端站立哪里…

3.Enjoying one or two glasses of wine a week - about two units - does not raise the risk of premature birth or impair the foetus's growth.每周享用两杯小酒,让人量不宜过多,其实并不会引发早产情况的发生,也不会对胎儿影响造成不良影响。

4.The door opened and a waiter stood there with a tray , a bottle and two glasses .门开了,一个服务生手托盘子,站在门口,盘中放着一瓶酒,两个杯子。

5.She found a coin in her pocket and paid for two glasses of lemonade.她在兜里找到一枚硬币,于是买了两杯柠檬水。

6.The woman came out through the curtains with two glasses of beer and put them down on the damp felt pads.那女人端着两杯啤酒撩开珠帘走了出来,把酒放在湿漉漉的杯垫上。

7.He had two glasses of wine with him. The princess took one, and secretly put the powder into it.魔术师带来两杯酒,公主拿了一杯,然后偷偷把粉末加进去。

8.Two glasses of water, bepeved to absorb evil spirits, were placed in front of him.他面前还放着两杯水,就说是用来吸走邪灵的灵魂的。

9.Drinking one or two glasses of wine a week during pregnancy can have an impact on a child's IQ, a study says.一项研究显示,怀孕期间每周喝一两杯葡萄酒将影响孩子的智商。

10.The recommended daily consumption of alcohol is less than one glass of red wine or two glasses of beer.再者,酒精的热量仅次于脂肪,建议每天喝酒量不应超过一杯红酒或两杯啤酒,避免「啤酒肚」原形毕露!