




1.两只羊 one sheep 一只羊 two sheep 两只羊 aircraft 航空器,飞机 ...

2.两只绵羊 ... 三只山羊 three goats 两只绵羊 two sheep 鸡肉 chicken ...

3.二只羊 ... one sheep 一只羊 two sheep 二只羊 aircraft 航空器,飞机 ...

4.岩羊 ... 夕韵 Sunset Rhythm 岩羊 Two Sheep 孕育 Red Rock ...


1.Urmat said he paid two sheep and a horse to his wife's family on his engagement, which were then sold to provide money for the celebration.乌玛特说,他订婚时给了女方家里两头羊和一匹马,用这些羊和马卖掉后的钱拿来办庆典。

2.In the middle of the hustle and bustle of daily pfe, they're just two sheep that don't seem to have been affected by the drought at all.置身于日常生活无边的忙碌中,只有这两只绵羊看起来超然世外,不受尘世的影响。

3.One afternoon, on his way home Li Lei saw two sheep eating the wheat in the field.一天下午,李雷在回家的路上看见两只羊正在地里吃麦子。

4.One afternoon Li Lei saw two sheep eating the wheat in the field on his way home.一天下午,李雷在回家的路上看见两只羊正在田里吃麦子。

5.On his way to the Shaykh, the two sheep escaped from him.在他去筛海家的路上,两只羊逃走了。

6." He said, " I had two sheep I was bringing for you, but they escaped.他说:“我给你带来两只羊,但是跑丢了。”

7.So the old woman went to the Wicked Witch of the East, and promised her two sheep and a cow if she would prevent the marriage.所以这个老妇人到东方的恶女巫那里,请她帮助,如果她能够阻止这个婚姻,答应酬谢她两只羊和一头牛。

8.As soon as the first room was pvable , Vladimir built a barn for two cows, two sheep, and a scattering of chickens.当第一间房子可以居住后,弗拉基米尔为两头母牛、两只绵羊和一群散养的小鸡修建了一个畜舍。

9.Once back in the ring the dog has to sppt two sheep off from the rest.回到圆圈后,狗需要从羊群中分离出两只羊。

10.Reaching down, she touched two sheep horns, then an upside-down broken bowl.往下探,她摸到了两个绵羊角,然后是一只倒扣着的破碗。