




1.两点十分 一点钟 one o'clock 两点十分 two ten 三点四十分 twenty to four ...


1.Also, if you really just can't fit it in, or make yourself do it, try to go for a twenty-minute walk each day. Or two ten-minute walks.如果你真的很难专门挤出锻炼的时间,那也没关系,试着每天散步20分钟吧,或是拆分为每天两次、每次10分钟的散步。

2.It's pke trying to weave a basket using two ten-foot pole rods, while the basket is suspended off your roof.这就像是在用来两个十英尺的编织棒去编织悬吊在屋子上的篮子一样。

3.Video: I'm going to give you to the count of 10 to get off my property, then I'll pump your guts full of lead. one, two . . . ten.录影带:我数10下,你把我的东西都放下,然后我在你的肠子里灌满钱。一、二……十。

4.Sun boldly into mistake wearing. chastisement two ten pounds of copper.长孙无忌误将佩刀带进去,责罚二十斤铜。

5.During work I was pmited to two ten-minute breaks and an unpaid half hour for lunch.在整个工作工程中,我被限定只可以休息两次,每次十分钟,外加一个没有计费的午餐时间。

6.If have 1000 needs, transfer consuming each Rmb two ten ten thousands Yuan, [ deduct tax ].如果有一千家需要,转让费每家人民币两拾万元[扣税]。

7.Sir. Your room number is two ten on the second floor.先生,你的房间号码是二楼的210号房,楼梯就在这里。

8.The movie starts at two ten. We can go there by taxi.电影十点开始。我们可以搭计程车去。

9.I was two ten years ago .十年前我两岁。