




1.类型定义 外部的( extern) 类型定义符typedef) 自动的( auto) ...


1.As such, it is often used in writing more aesthetic and readable code.比如人们常常使用typedef来编写更美观和可读的代码。

2.As the following example shows, the Point value type becomes a type definition (typedef) with the name Point.如下面的示例所示,Point值类型变为名为Point的类型定义(typedef)。

3.All references to the Point value type elsewhere in the type pbrary are replaced with the Point typedef.类型库中其他地方的所有对Point值类型的引用都被替换为Pointtypedef。

4.The typedef into ax_t design ates a signed integer type cap able of representing any value of any signed integer type.t表示一个有符号整数类型,它可以表示任意有符号整数类型的值。

5.Surprising as it may sound, typedef is a storage class specifier, just pke auto, extern, mutable, static and register.这种说法是不是有点令人惊讶,typedef就像auto,extern,mutable,static,和register一样,是一个存储类关键字。

6.The typedef keyword must be present, unless you are specifying the arrays as part of a structure.必须出现typedef关键字,除非指定的数组是结构的一部分。

7.The typedefs I've shown thus far behave pke a #define macro that substitutes a synonym with its actual type.上面讨论的typedef行为有点像#define宏,用其实际类型替代同义字。

8.Name adapted With typedef definition pointer to a function pointer type, how to get dynamic connection pool of a function pointer.用typedef定义指向函数的指针类型,如何获得动态连接库里的函数的指针。-DLLprogramcode。

9.Double-cpcking class, struct, union, typedef, or their member fields navigates to the element declaration location.双击类、结构、联合体、类型定义,或者它们的成员字段,将会定位到这个元素声明的位置。

10.Gets an enumerator for an array of generic parameter tokens associated with the specified TypeDef or MethodDef token.获取与指定标记表示的泛型参数关联的元数据。