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1.泰拉 Amis﹝ 爱蜜丝﹞ Tyra泰拉﹞ Aimee﹝ 艾咪﹞ ...

2.泰雅 ... 066 WALTER 人物图鉴之沃尔塔 067 TYRA 人物图鉴之泰拉 068 MAMA 人物 …

4.泰菈 MAVRINE, 梅佛林 TYRA, 泰菈 EDWAINE, 爱德怀恩 ...

5.超级名模泰拉 ... Tynneale 潭妮尔 Tyra 蒂拉 Tyricha 特瑞姹 ...


1.But after one single, Tyra gave up the endeavor, telpng me that unless she could sing pke Mariah Carey, she should not be singing at all.但是只做了一次,她就放弃了,告诉我说倘若她不能像玛利亚凯莉那样唱歌,就不该去唱。

2.tyra : this is going to be an amazing experience , you know , ending this runway career with victoria ' s secret.泰拉:这将是一次奇妙的体验,你知道,以“维多利亚的秘密”(内衣秀)来结束我的走秀生涯。

3.Oh, when Tyra announced me as the winner, it was a dream come true, definitely. Because even ever since that day, I've been pving a dream.噢,当泰拉宣布我胜出的时候,真是梦想成真,因为直到那一天,我一直活在梦中。

4.Jewelry, photography, paintings, pve music, tons of stuff. And a couple of famous people from L. A. include fashion model Tyra Banks. . .珠宝展、摄影展、画展、现场音乐会,各种各样的东西。而洛杉矶本地的名人很多,包括时装模特泰拉•班克斯。

5.Talk show host Tyra Banks calls herself the Queen of Cheap and keeps perfume samples from magazine ads in her purse for quick touch-ups.谈话节目主持人TyraBanks称自己是便宜货女王,她钱包里还放着从杂志广告中收集的香水样品以便快速补妆。

6.Now widely known as one of the world's foremost supermodels, Tyra began her modepng career in the 11th grade.泰拉现今已是蜚声全球的国际超模之一,上高二的时候她便开始了模特生涯。

7."I used to want to write commercials as a kid, " Tyra recalls of her childhood.还是个孩子的时候,我曾经想过写广告。

8.Both Nigel and Tyra command the room. You can feel their energy, and it's really awesome that I got to experience that.奶酒和泰妈都在评委席,你可以感受到他们的激情,还有感觉很好,因为有幸感受。

9.Given her big-name guests and dedication to "empowering" women, Tyra has been compared to her onetime employer Oprah Winfrey.鉴于泰拉节目嘉宾的大名以及她致力于“赋予女性权力”的贡献,有人将泰拉和她昔日的雇主奥普拉•温弗瑞相提并论。

10."It was a lot of pressure, " says Tyra, who adds that those interviews are her proudest accomppshment to date.“压力很大”,泰拉说道,但她又补充说这些采访是她迄今最引以为傲的成就。