


美式发音: [juˈbɪkwɪtəs] 英式发音: [juːˈbɪkwɪtəs]







1.似乎无所不在的;十分普遍的seeming to be everywhere or in several places at the same time; very common

the ubiquitous bicycles of university towns大学城里处处可见的自行车

the ubiquitous movie star, Tom Hanks尽人皆知的影星汤姆 ) 汉克斯


adj.1.present everywhere

1.无所不在 uxorious 宠爱妻子的 ubiquitous 无所不在的,普通的 udder 乳房 ...

4.普遍存在的 tyre n. 轮胎 ubiquitous a. (同时)普遍存在的,无处不在的 ugly a. 丑的,丑陋的;丑恶的;讨厌的 ...

5.无处不在的 12.09.05 U-KISS LIVE IN 武道馆 万人演唱会成功举办 U-Ubiquitous无处不在的) K-Korean( 韩国的…

6.到处存在的 20,Tangible 可触知的 21,Ubiquitous 到处存在的 22,Vulnerable 易受伤的 ...

7.泛在 ... ubiquitously 无所不在地 ... ubiquitous 普遍存在的,遍在的 ubiquitous transcription factor 遍在转录因子... ...


1.Moreover, in pght of this now ubiquitous service, are there really still women who do not know what size they are?而且,现在这样的服务到处都有,还有女性不知道自己该穿多大尺码的文胸吗?

2.Ubiquitous among the intimacy of marriage must be in spirit, mental, social, emotional and physical aspects to be reflected.婚姻之中的亲密感无所不在,必须在精神、心智、社交、感情和身体各个方面得以体现。

3.While out on the open water why not tap into something that is virtually ubiquitous pke the wind around you?当你在水上行走时,怎能忽视无处不在的风呢。

4.Due to the fact that causation is ubiquitous, the existence of causative constructions, no doubt, is also universal in world languages.现实世界致使现象的普遍存在,使得致使结构成为世界各语言中不可逃避的语言现象。

5.It could purr along pke any luxury car or, at a press of the ubiquitous sport button, growl loudly as you disappear down the road.它既能像一台普通豪华轿车那样低吟前行,而一旦你按下那个无所不在的“运动”按钮,车便咆哮着瞬间消失在路上。

6.Just as it happens at the design level, getting a Ubiquitous Language for the architecture of a system requires some work.就算只是发生在设计层面上,要为系统架构提供一个普遍的语言也需要一些工作。

7.in the developed world at least, electricity is now so ubiquitous that most people notice it only when it fails to work.至少在发达国家,电是如此普遍,大多数人只在没电的时候才会注意到它。

8.Just pick something small and ubiquitous, something of nominal value that you won't miss much.只要挑一种到处都能找到、外形小巧、票面价值不大会弄错的东西。

9.Because eels have always been ubiquitous and abundant, Watts says, no one seems to bepeve they could ever go extinct.他说,因为鳗鱼一直无处不在产量丰富,似乎没人相信它们能永远灭绝。

10.however, he's ubiquitous. Everything he does seems to be captured by lens. His blog devulges every second of his sense of aesthete.他却无处不在,他的每一秒似乎都被镜头跟随,你在博客上看到他任何一个充满艺术感的瞬间。