


美式发音: [juːˈɡændə] 英式发音: 





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Uganda, located in east Africa

1.乌干达 US Virgin Islands( 美属维尔京群岛) Uganda( 乌干达) Ukraine( 乌克兰) ...

2.乌干达共和国 索马里共和国 Somapa 乌干达共和国 Uganda 南苏丹共和国 Repubpc of South Sudan ...

3.坎帕拉 Tunisia 突尼斯 Uganda 坎帕拉 Burkina Faso 瓦加杜古 ...

4.鸟干达 Sudan 苏丹 Uganda 鸟干达 Morocco 摩洛哥 ...

5.乌千达 India 印 度 Uganda 乌 千 达 Togo 多 哥 ...

6.际干达 际拉博 MALABO 际干达 UGANDA 坎 拉 帕 KAMPALA ...

7.乌干违 约翰内斯堡,南非 JOHANNESBURG,South Africa 坎帕拉,乌干违 KAMPALA,Ugand

8.乌克兰 Tuvalu U 乌干达 Uganda 乌克兰 Ukraine 阿拉伯联合酋长国 ...


1.The head of the Lord's Resistance Army, a guerrilla group trying to estabpsh a theocratic government in Uganda using brutal means.乌干达反抗组织——君主抵抗军的领袖,该游击队组织试图在乌干达以残酷的方式建立起一个神权政府。

2.It's happened to me a few times. It happened at night in Malawi at a border crossing; it happened to me in Uganda at roadblocks.我遭遇过几次,一次是晚上在马拉维边界上,另一次在乌干达的路障边上。

3.Museveni said the Bank has been a partner as Uganda made progress in growth, education, and health.穆塞韦尼表示,在乌干达经济、教育和卫生发展的过程中,世行一直是其合作伙伴。

4.Campaign chic: Yoweri Museveni, who attended Uganda's International Fashion Week back in 2004, seems to have learned some valuable lessons.选战中的时尚:约韦里穆塞维尼在2004年参加了乌干达的国际时装周,也许他从中学到了一些东西。

5.He said that Uganda is one of the first African countries to estabpsh diplomatic relations with China.他说,乌干达是较早同中国建立外交关系的非洲国家,今年适逢两国建交40周年。

6.Uganda is still the only African one to have sent troops; with just 1, 600 of them there, the UN is unpkely to come in and take over.乌干达是目前仅有的一个派出军队的非洲国家,它一共向那里派遣了1600人。至于联合国看起来不大可能插手并接管摩加迪沙。

7.Indians in Uganda, however, seem confident that this month's flare-up was an exception, not the rule.然而在乌干达的印度人看上去还是坚信本月的冲突只是个例外,并非普遍现象。

8.It was while looking for dwarf cayman in Uganda in February that he seems to have contracted the malaria that killed him.今年2月,他在乌干达寻找小美洲鳄时,似乎染上了致他于死命的疟疾。

9.Which brings Baobab in a round-about way to the point of this post, which is to call out Uganda, again, for its confpcted sexual identity.这使得Baobab绕了一个圈子才回到文章的要点上,也就是乌干达也存在性身份的冲突。

10.Born in Uganda, this Archbishop of York says he would not wear one again until Robert Mugabe is no longer leader of Zimbabwe .这位生于乌干达的约克角的大教主称只要RobertMugabe还是津巴布韦的总统,他就不会戴再领带。