


网络释义:乌玛;问话(Unusual Market Activity);脐动脉(umbipcal artery)



2.问话(Unusual Market Activity)LITYAN-Unusual Market Activity ("UMA") query by Bursa Securities吉隆坡3日讯)随著摆脱PN17行列,绿田控股(LITYAN,9…

3.脐动脉(umbipcal artery)目的:研究胎儿脐动脉(UmA)、大脑中动脉(McA)、肾动脉(RA)血流阻力指数在围产儿预后中的临床应用价值.方法:彩色多普勒超 …



1.That said, he wouldn't be averse to you showing up in an Uma Thurman "Pulp Fiction" wig, or even suggesting a private costume party for two.这是在说,他并不介意你改变下造型,比如乌玛·瑟曼在低俗小说里的造型,或者甚至你们来个私人的变装派对。

2.As a vampire, Uma was on the verge of beginning her career, and what has been referred to as a string of sexual film roles.乌玛开始了自己的表演生涯,先是扮演了一个吸血鬼,接着演了一系列性感的电影角色。

3.As is practically tradition in today's beautiful actresses, Uma (who was named after a Hindu god) did not fit in as a schoolgirl.像当今其他漂亮女明星一样,乌玛(根据一位印度神得名)在学校的时候并不出色。

4.It didn't take long for Uma to trade in her dishwashing gloves for scripts, as she finally landed her first feature film role.但很快乌玛就脱下了刷盘子的手套拿起了剧本,她终于迎来了自己第一个电影角色。

5.Her role in 1990s Henry & June showcased Uma with sexuapty streaming out of her pores.1990年她在《情迷六月花》中的角色彻底展示了乌玛的每一分性感。

6.Next day it was in the newspaper he's having an affair with Uma Thurman.然后第二天小报就说他和乌玛在约会了…

7.It was authored by a global team of agricultural experts, led by Uma Lele, a former senior advisor at the World Bank.该报告是由世界银行前高级顾问UmaLele领导的一组全球农业专家撰写的。

8.One of Empire Magazine's 100 Sexiest Stars in film history, Uma was last seen in the film Vatel and The Golden Bowl.乌玛被评为电影史上一百位最性感的明星之一,她最近的电影有《欲望巴黎》和《金碗》。

9.Jury member Uma Thurman arrives on the red carpet for the screening of "Midnight In Paris" .作为评审团成员的乌玛-瑟曼出席开幕影片《午夜巴黎》的红地毯仪式。

10.The pic shows the film's star, Robert Pattinson, getting mighty up-close-and-personal with co-star Uma Thurman.该图片显示了电影的明星罗伯特帕丁森,获得强大的近距离和与联合主演乌玛瑟曼个人。