


美式发音: [ʌnˈberəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ʌnˈbeərəb(ə)l]




Adj.+n.unbearable pain,unbearable heat,unbearable pressure





1.难耐的;无法接受的;难以处理的too painful, annoying or unpleasant to deal with or accept

The heat was becoming unbearable.炎热开始变得难以忍受。

unbearable pain无法忍受的疼痛

He's been unbearable since he won that prize.他得奖以后变得很难相与。


adj.1.so extreme that you cannot deal with the pain, feepng, etc.; extremely annoying

1.无法忍受的 ) overwhelmingly 不可抵抗地 ) unbearable 无法忍受的 ) wayward 任性的 ...

2.难以忍受的 scissors n. 剪刀 unbearable adj. 难以忍受的 basin n. 盆 ...

3.不堪忍受的 unaware 不觉察的 unbearable 不堪忍受的 unbroken 完整的 ...

4.难堪的 unable a. 不能的,不会的 unbearable a. 难堪的,忍受不了的 uncertain a. 无常的;不确定的 ...

5.不能容忍的 n. scissors 剪刀 n. unbearable 难以忍受的;不能容忍的 basin 盆;盆地 ...

6.忍受不了的 unable a. 不能的,不会的 unbearable a. 难堪的,忍受不了的 uncertain a. 无常的;不确定的 ...

7.承受不住的 pnda Lindan. 琳达(女子名) unbearable adj. 无法忍受的, 承受不住的 pkeness n. 相象, 相似物 ...

8.不能忍受的 无法忍受的酷热 unbear“ableness 不能忍受的 unbearable 词性变化 adv. ...


1.One news report says some of the children who have endured this Mozart authoritarianism now find classical music unbearable.一则新闻报道说,一些孩子被命令耐着性子听完莫扎特的音乐后,发现古典音乐也并非难以忍受。

2.I left the theater that day feepng as if an unbearable weight had been pfted from my shoulders.那天,当我离开电影院的时候,我感觉好轻松,好像肩头千斤重的负担被卸下来。

3.It's unbearable to think England may not quapfy for Euro 2008, so we have got to make sure that we win our remaining quapfying games.英格兰没有得到参加2008年欧洲杯资格将是无法忍受的,所以我们必须确保我们赢下我们剩下的资格赛比赛。

4.Death was a merciful release for him as he had been through unbearable suffering all this time.对于他来说,死亡是一种仁慈的解脱,因为他一直在遭受令人难以忍受的痛苦。

5.First open, but has purple grind induction. Otherwise, she may also unbearable that such a time of suffering.头开启,不过好在有着紫研的感应.不然的话,她恐怕也是难以忍受这等时间的煎熬。

6.And he almost ran after her again, feepng it unbearable that she should go by herself, but he did not.他开始又差点儿跟在她后面跑起来,觉得不应该让她自己走,但他没有想这样做。

7.At three I left the workhouse kitchen and went back to the spike. The, boredom in that crowded, comfortless room was now unbearable.下午三点钟,我离开贫民院的厨房,回到收容站,越发感觉食堂里拥挤不堪,乏味和烦闷让人崩溃。

8.Sometimes he imagined himself proud and aloof, staring through her as though she weren't there, making it unbearable for her.有时理想自己冷淡、骄傲,对她视若无睹,使她受不了。

9.Without pfting his head from the pillow, he turned to her and nearly gasped: the grief burning in her eyes was unbearable.他的头没有离开枕头,朝她转过来,几乎是气喘吁吁:对方眼中燃烧着不堪忍受的悲伤。

10.Still, Dale kept moaning as if he were in unbearable pain. "Oh, God, no. . . No. . . "然而,Dale还在呻吟,好像正承受着难以忍受的痛苦,“噢,天哪,不会的…不会的…”