



1.JIT-attach debugging is the phrase used to describe attaching a debugger to an executable image that throws an uncaught exception.JIT附加调试是用于描述如何将调试器附加到可执行映像的词组,它引发未捕获的异常。

2.Simple pbrary changes pke adding an uncaught exception handler greatly increase the comprehensibipty of source code.像添加未捕获的异常处理程序这样的简单库更改,可以极大地增加原代码的可理解性。

3.The lock release occurs even if the return was caused by an uncaught exception.即使是未捕获的异常造成了返回,也会发生锁的释放。

4.Cause: Various program threads are stuck waiting for input from a thread that exited after an uncaught exception was thrown.致因:多个程序线程一直等待来自某个线程的输入,而该线程在抛出一个未被捕捉的异常后就退出了。

5.Any uncaught exception is displayed as a Popup to the user, and is also appended to the pluglet console.任何一个没有被抛出的异常会在用户面前弹出,同时也被添加至pluglet控制台。

6.Called by the Java Virtual Machine when a thread in this thread group stops because of an uncaught exception.当该线程组中某线程因为无法捕获的异常而停止时,Java虚拟机调用该方法。

7.You might get the message "SRVE0207E: Uncaught initiapzation exception thrown by servlet" when accessing the XML descriptor above.当访问以上的XML描述器时,您可能得到消息“SRVE0207E:Uncaughtinitiapzationexceptionthrownbyservlet”。

8.The workbench automatically logs all uncaught exceptions to the error log.工作台自动将所有未捕获的异常记录到错误日志中。

9.For instance, you can add an exception or error name to the throw, catch, and uncaught events.例如,可以在throw、catch和uncaught事件上添加异常名或错误名。

10.When an uncaught exception occurs, the default behavior is to print a stack dump to system error (System. err)发生未捕获的异常时,默认行为是将堆栈溢出打印输出到系统错误(System.err)中,如清单1中所示。