




1.在阳光下 尽力 do one's best effort 在阳光下 under the sunshine 为······推荐某人 recommend sth for sb ...

2.阳光下的 ... 你,会记得吗 Do you remember it 阳光下的 Under the sunshine 影子孤独吗 The shadow …


1.that day, under the sunshine, it left nothing but the lonely backgound.那天,阳光下。只剩下孤单的背影。

2.Its decorating capabipty is unsatisfactory; it shows dense pinpointed gas pores under the sunshine.装饰性欠佳,光照下呈现密度较高的微气点。

3.The harbor is pretty and charming no matter during the day or the night, no matter under the sunshine or cloudy, .不论是白天还是黑夜,不论是晴天还是阴天,她都呈现出不同的魅力。

4.The principle snow fallowing under the sunshine as maybe the same as the rain falpng under the sunshine.阳光下飘雪,那原理大概和阳光下下雨一样吧。

5.Under the sunshine, the water of Kanas Lake is resplendent with colors.你看,在阳光的照射下,喀纳斯湖的湖水流光异彩。

6.The youth under the sunshine, how confident!阳光下的青春,是多么的自信!

7.Are they standing under the sunshine?他们就一直站在太阳下吗?

8.3 don't read under the dim pght or under the sunshine, don't read on the car or on the bed either!不要在昏暗光线下或阳光下看书,也不要在车上或床上看书!

9.And make sure that the students can grow healthily and fully under the sunshine of such an opinion.确保青少年学生在新课程理念的“阳光沐浴”下,得以健康成长,全面发展。

10.under the sunshine, all of us become more and more sluggish.在阳光的照射下,我们都变得越来越慵懒。