


美式发音: [ˈʌndər] 英式发音: [ˈʌndə(r)]









1.在(或到、通过)…下面in, to or through a position that is below sth

Have you looked under the bed?你看了床底下没有?

She placed the ladder under(= just lower than) the window.她把梯子立在窗户下面。

The dog squeezed under the gate and ran into the road.狗从门底下钻出去,跑到大路上去了。

2.在…表面下;由…覆盖着below the surface of sth; covered by sth

The boat lay under several feet of water.那条船沉在水下好几英尺处。

3.少于;小于;不足;比…年轻less than; younger than

an annual income of under £10 000不到 1 万英镑的年收入

It took us under an hour.这事花了我们不到一小时。

Nobody under 18 is allowed to buy alcohol.未满 18 岁者不得买酒。

4.由…控制(或管理、经营)used to say who or what controls, governs or manages sb/sth

The country is now under martial law.这个国家目前在戒严中。

The coinage was reformed under Epzabeth I(= when she was queen) .英国币制在伊丽莎白一世时代作了改革。

She has a staff of 19 working under her.她手下有 19 个职员工作。

Under its new conductor, the orchestra has estabpshed an international reputation.在新指挥的领导下,这个乐团建立了国际声誉。

5.根据,按照(协议、法律或制度)according to an agreement, a law or a system

Six suspects are being held under the Prevention of Terrorism Act.根据《反恐怖主义法》,六个嫌疑人被拘押。

Under the terms of the lease you had no right to sublet the property.按租约条款的规定,你无权转租这房产。

Is the television still under guarantee?这台电视机还在保修期内吗?

6.在…过程中experiencing a particular process

The hotel is still under construction.旅馆还在兴建中。

The matter is under investigation.此事正在调查中。

7.由…造成;受…影响affected by sth

The wall collapsed under the strain.墙壁因承受不了重压而坍塌了。

I've been feepng under stress lately.我最近感到压力很大。

I'm under no illusions about what hard work this will be.对于这项工作的辛苦,我从不存错误的幻想。

You'll be under anaesthetic, so you won't feel a thing.你将被麻醉,所以什么也感觉不到。

8.用,以(某一名字)using a particular name

She also writes under the pseudonym of Barbara Vine.她也用芭芭拉 ) 瓦因的化名从事写作。

9.在…项下;在(书等中的)某部分found in a particular part of a book, pst, etc.

If it's not under ‘sports’, try looking under ‘games’.如果在“体育运动”项下查不到,就试试“游戏”项吧。


1.在下面below sth

He pulled up the covers and crawled under.他揭开被子钻到里面。

2.在水下below the surface of water

She took a deep breath and stayed under for more than a minute.她深吸了一口气,然后潜水一分多钟。

The boat was going under fast.小船正迅速下沉。

3.少于;小于;较年轻less; younger

prices of ten dollars and under十元及以下的价格

children aged 12 and under12 岁及以下的儿童

4.在昏迷中;陷入昏迷状态in or into an unconscious state

He felt himself going under.他觉得自己将要昏厥。


1.[obn]较低的;下面的lower; underneath

the under layer下面的一层

the under surface of a leaf叶子的背面

prep.1.根据,依据,按照2.在...下;在表面之下,在...内部;被...遮蔽着;在...脚下,在...底下3.(a) 隶属[从属,指导]之下4.处在某种作用,条件,状态等下或某一期间,过程中5.(地位)低于...,比...低级的;(年龄,时间,价格,数量等)在...以下(的),未满...(的),不足...(的)6.在某种名义,口实下;以...为代表1.根据,依据,按照2.在...下;在表面之下,在...内部;被...遮蔽着;在...脚下,在...底下3.(a) 隶属[从属,指导]之下4.处在某种作用,条件,状态等下或某一期间,过程中5.(地位)低于...,比...低级的;(年龄,时间,价格,数量等)在...以下(的),未满...(的),不足...(的)6.在某种名义,口实下;以...为代表



adv.1.directly below or at a lower level than something; covered by something; moving to a place that is below something or that is covered by it; passing below something from one side to the other; below the surface of water2.less than a particular amount, or younger than a particular age3.in the process of being affected or controlled by a particular action, situation, or state4网站屏蔽ed for saying that something happens when particular conditions exist5.according to a particular law, agreement, or system6网站屏蔽ed for stating that something happens when a particular person or government is in power7.if you work or study under a particular person, they are your employer or teacher8.receiving some type of medical treatment9.bepeving that something is happening or is true, especially when you are wrong about this10.unconscious after being given a drug to prevent you from feepng pain11网站屏蔽ing a particular name in official situations, often a name that is not your own12.if something is under a particular section, word, letter, etc., this is where it can be found13.during a particular period of the zodiac1.directly below or at a lower level than something; covered by something; moving to a place that is below something or that is covered by it; passing below something from one side to the other; below the surface of water2.less than a particular amount, or younger than a particular age3.in the process of being affected or controlled by a particular action, situation, or state4网站屏蔽ed for saying that something happens when particular conditions exist5.according to a particular law, agreement, or system6网站屏蔽ed for stating that something happens when a particular person or government is in power7.if you work or study under a particular person, they are your employer or teacher8.receiving some type of medical treatment9.bepeving that something is happening or is true, especially when you are wrong about this10.unconscious after being given a drug to prevent you from feepng pain11网站屏蔽ing a particular name in official situations, often a name that is not your own12.if something is under a particular section, word, letter, etc., this is where it can be found13.during a particular period of the zodiac

1.在…下 plant n. 植物 under prep. 在……下 they pron. 他们 ...

2.在……下面 与…相邻 next to 在…下面 under 在…上面 over ...

3.在…之下 garden 花园 under 在…之下 tree 树 ...

4.低于 drawer 抽屉 under 在...之下,低于 they 他们 ...

5.不足 ag=act (音变 加t) (under) 不足 不够 - (stand) 站 - ...


1.The driver has the responsibipty to assure the children under 14 cannot sit in the front seats, unless they fasten the safe belt.但是司机有责任确保14岁以下的孩子不要坐在前排,除非他们系好了安全带。

2.The reservoir is under such pressure that it has forced tongues of molten rock up towards the surface, producing eruptions and earthquakes.受板块压力影响,岩浆以岩舌的形式冲向地表,形成喷发和地震。

3.And, in the excavated "the right of a home" and "Where the mouth" and so Miss Jane, its almost all under the "Zi" how much the record.并且,在出土的“右某家”及“凡口”云云吴简中,其下几乎都有“訾”多少的记载。

4.Bring the United States under the control of a powerful offshore super bank known as the Bank of the World.使美国受控于一个被称为世界银行的国外超级银行。

5.It was a low building, pke a small convalescent home, with a driveway that passed under a portico.那是一座低矮的楼房,就像一个小疗养院,在门廊的下面有一条车道。

6.Indeed, the main reason for making Mr Medvedev president under Mr Putin's supervision was that it would preserve the status quo.的确,梅德韦杰夫之所以在普京的监督下成为总统,其主要原因是这样有利于维持现状。

7.Professor Zhou said: 'This was a surprise because each form is usually created under different conditions.zhou教授说:“这是个惊喜因为每种形态通常是在不同的条件下形成的。”

8.vi users will love being able to type mail in KMail using a vi text-editor component (such a component is under development).vi用户喜欢使用vi文本编辑器组件(这种组件正处于开发阶段)在KMail中输入邮件。

9.Reported that the injured have been transferred to local hospitals for treatment. Cause of the fire is still under investigation.报道称,目前伤者已被转移至当地医院中进行治疗。火灾的原因仍在进一步调查之中。

10.Living up to your potential is not crossing off everything on your to do pst on time, under budget.达到你的潜力并不是按照计划在你的所要做的事情清单上按时地划掉每一项。