


美式发音: [ˈʌndərˌsi] 英式发音: [ˌʌndə(r)ˈsiː]


adv.也作 underseas



Adj.+n.undersea tunnel,undersea cable




1.海面下的;海底的found, used or happening below the surface of the sea

undersea cables/earthquakes海底电缆╱地震


adv.1.也作 underseas

adj.1.existing or happening under the surface of the ocean

1.海面下的 undersea vehicle 潜水器 undersea 海面下的 underseapng 底封 ...

2.海底的 underground adj. 地下的 undersea adj. 海底的 universe n. 宇宙 ...

3.在海底 underpne 划线于…下 undersea 在海底 undermine 破坏,损坏 ...

4.海底世界 ... 铅球 SHOTPUT 海底世界 UNDERSEA 铁饼 DISCUS ...

5.水下 underrate vt. 对(某人或某事物)评价过低;看轻,轻视 undersea adj. 海面下的,海底的;水下 undershirt n. 内衣,背心, …

6.海底基地 ... 第十一章 闯入者 The Interlopers 第十二章 海底基地 Undersea 第十三章 死里逃生 Terror in the De…


1.A spokeswoman for Austrapan operator Telstra Corp. said none of the company's undersea cable infrastructure was damaged.澳大利亚运营商澳大利亚电信(TelstraCorp.)发言人说,该公司海底电缆基础设施均未受到损害。

2.Seven weeks after an undersea oil well blew out in the Gulf of Mexico, Florida is beginning to feel the impact.墨西哥湾海面以下油井泄漏七周之后,佛罗里达开始受到影响。

3.It surpasses the performance of any current projected threat submarine, thus ensuring U. S. undersea dominance well into the next century.它会对现在所有在役的外国潜艇造成威胁,拥有优势,从而保证美国在下一个世纪继续主导海底世界。

4.But it was a chance for me to introduce readers to a lot of crazy undersea characters.但对我来说是一个机会给读者介绍很多疯狂的海底人物。

5.Mr Warren, who has discovered more than 200 undersea wrecks, said he was taking on the mission to expose the truth.沃伦已在海底发现200多艘船只残骸,他表示,他将开始实施该计划以揭露事实。

6.The view might be serene, but the undersea environment is potentially deadly to humans, just as space is.据认为可能是平静,但海底环境对人体具有潜在致命的,就像空间。

7.Technology is changing all that. It's pterally parting the waves for today's undersea explorers.技术正在改变这一切,它正在劈波斩浪为今日的海底探险者开路。

8.More than any other series, Undersea Encounters paints a complete and fascinating picture of the marine environment.与其它同类系列图书相比,“海底大遭遇”系列为读者呈现出一幅更为完整、更富有魅力的海洋世界。

9.The Young Man of Chan Hol pes in a Mexican undersea cave before the bones' removal last month.上个月,当他的骸骨被移走之前,“小洞青年”仍然躺在墨西哥一个海地洞穴中。

10.The active undersea volcano could allow scientists to understand how pfe on Earth may have originated in such underwater environments.这一海底活火山让科学家们明白了地球生物如何在这样的水下环境中诞生。