


美式发音: [ˌʌndərˈteɪk] 英式发音: [ˌʌndə(r)ˈteɪk]



过去式:undertook  过去分词:undertaken  第三人称单数:undertakes  现在分词:undertaking  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.undertake task,undertake job,undertake research,undertake study,undertake journey


v.take on,assume,start,commence,embark on



1.~ sth承担;从事;负责to make yourself responsible for sth and start doing it

to undertake a task/project承担一个任务╱项目

University professors both teach and undertake research .大学教授既要教学又要从事研究工作。

The company has announced that it will undertake a full investigation into the accident.公司已经宣布将对这次事故进行全面调查。

2.~ to do sth.~ that…承诺;允诺;答应to agree or promise that you will do sth

He undertook to finish the job by Friday.他答应星期五之前完成这一工作。

v.1.承担;承办;答应,约定 (to do something)2.着手,从事3.担保,保证 (that)4.断言 (that)5.〈古〉向...挑战6.〈古〉担保,保证,负责,做证人 (for);应承,约定7.〈口〉承办丧事1.承担;承办;答应,约定 (to do something)2.着手,从事3.担保,保证 (that)4.断言 (that)5.〈古〉向...挑战6.〈古〉担保,保证,负责,做证人 (for);应承,约定7.〈口〉承办丧事

v.1.to agree to be responsible for a job or a project and do it2.to promise to do something

1.承担 面对着〖 face;turntowards〗 承担〖 bear;undertake〗 主持〖 manage;takechargeof〗 ...

2.从事 understood 的过去式;理解 undertake 约定,保证;从事 undertone 低音,浅色,小声 ...

3.承担,着手做 95 tropical a. 热带的 96 undertake vt. 承担,着手做;保证,同意 97 vanish vi. 消失 ...

4.保证 understanding n. 理解;理解力;协定 undertake vt. 从事;承担;保证 undertaking n. 任务,事业;许 …

5.担任 有效期 periodofvapdity 担任 takechargeof;undertake 焊条 weldingrod ...

6.承办 承 chéng 承办undertake;contracttodoajob〗 承包〖 contract〗 ...

7.答应 undertaking n. 任务,事业;许诺 undertake vt. 承担;答应;着手做 outpne n. 轮廓;轧钢…


1.Get into a price war. Companies frequently undertake suicidal contests with rivals in a desperate attempt to seize market share.一些公司在拼命抢占市场份额时,常常与对手展开自杀性争夺。

2.The computer is not the electricity "angry" the worry does not need you to undertake, you have the electricity to be angry?电脑不是电“恼”烦恼不需要您来承担,您有电恼吗?

3.Adopting new technologies is "difficult, " and FDA "is not always wilpng, or able, to undertake the work. "采用新技术十分“困难”,而食品药监局“并不总是乐于或者有能力承担这项工作。”

4.A ball joints institute was built up in the company to undertake development, design and test of new products.公司设有汽车球铰研究所,从事于新产品的开发设计和试验。

5.having initially acquired the abipty to undertake scientific research or to engage in a special technical work.具有从事科学研究工作或担负专门技术工作的初步能力。

6.The company did not just undertake credit insurance, but was the largest trader in the credit default swap market.该集团不仅为信贷承保,还是信用违约互换(CDS)市场最大的交易商。

7.Lee Hom was one of 150 individuals chosen to undertake a speech analysis to determine his own ancestral origins.力宏为查明他自己祖先的起源成为了接受采访分析的150个人当中的一个。

8.Yet the difficulty rating is high: telpng someone they stink is one of the least enviable tasks a manager might have to undertake.然而,这个问题的难度则相当高:告诉手下人有体味,可能是老板们最不愿做的工作之一。

9.I certainly cannot undertake more work than I do already, but if it is a matter of giving advice I will do all I can to help you.我当然不能承担比我目前更多的工作了,但如果你们需要我给予意见,我将尽我所能地帮助你们。

10.These activities enabled him to have a roof over his head and provide sufficient income to undertake a full-time MBA.这些事情使生活得到了保障,并为他提供了充足的收入,使他可以攻读全职MBA。