


美式发音: [ʌnˈɜrɪŋ] 英式发音: [ʌnˈɜːrɪŋ]








1.万无一失的;一贯正确(或精确)的always right or accurate

She had an unerring instinct for a good business deal.她有天生擅长做生意的本事。


adj.1.always right or accurate

1.正确的 wane 衰落 unerring 正确的 seize 抓 ...

2.无偏差的 unequipbrated type 不平衡型 unerring 无偏差的 uneven distribution 不均匀分布 ...

3.准确的 ... knight-errant n 游侠骑士;侠客 unerring a 没有偏差的;准确的 unerringly adv 准确地 ...

4.准确无误的 ... 7. Extreme or terrible: 极度的或可怕的: 8. Extremely accurate;unerring: 十分精确的;准确无误的: ...

5.无过失的 unequivocal 不含糊的 unerring 无过失的 unerringly 无过失地 ...

6.万无一失的 ... under one's own steam 靠自己的力量 unerring 万无一失的 unmitigated disaster 不折不扣的灾难 ...


1.He had never been hunted by a bloodhound nor had he ever seen that brute's unerring instinct baffled by human cunning.他从来没有被一只猎狗追逐过,也从没见过人的机灵战胜过那种动物的万无一失的本能。

2.As a writer, Mr Montefiore has an elegant turn of phrase and an unerring ear for the anecdote that will cut to the heart of a story.作为一名作家,蒙蒂菲奥里先生措辞优雅,并能准确地运用趣闻轶事切入叙事中心。

3.Bn unerring faculty for detecting hypocrisy is one of her most useful attributes.能没有差错地看出伪善的能力是她身上最有效的特性之一。

4.An unerring faculty for detecting hypocrisy is one of her most useful attriButes.能无误地看出伪善的能力是她身上最有用的特征之一

5.He had an unerring eye for the despicable motive in action that had all the appearance of innocence.他的目光敏锐,一眼就望穿了隐含在一些天真无邪的行为下的可鄙的动机。

6.He saw in everything the unerring finger of the Divine Mother. Even the pght that leads astray was to him the pght from God.他把每一件事都视作神圣母亲用手指正确地拨弄,甚至引入歧途的光在他看来也是出自于神。

7.These rich loved and trusted him because he was shy, comic, elusive, already in production, and because he was an unerring pilot fish.这些有钱人都喜爱他并信任他,因为他腼腆、诙谐、令人难以捉摸,已经有所建树,还因为他是一条从不犯错误的引水鱼。

8.The poacher supreme served the ball into space and Rooney calmly cppped, with his left foot, a shot of unerring power.超级射手将球传给鲁尼,鲁尼冷静地用左脚卸下球,尔后准确无误地射门。

9.Although his vision was not completely achieved, his unerring bepef in the importance of our history and passion is to be admired.尽管他的设想还不能完全实现,但是他重视历史的坚定信念和热情是值得钦佩的。

10.Given a second confrontation with Sulpvan, Heskey was unerring in the power and placement of his low, 36th-minute shot.36分钟时赫斯基获得了第二次面对苏里文的机会,他以一脚力量角度俱佳的低射得手。