


美式发音: [ʌnˈfoʊld] 英式发音: [ʌnˈfəʊld]



第三人称单数:unfolds  现在分词:unfolding  过去式:unfolded  同义词反义词

v.fold up,conceal,deteriorate

v.open out,open up,unfurl,spread out,display



1.[t][i]~ (sth)(使)展开;打开to spread open or flat sth that has previously been folded; to become open and flat

to unfold a map展开地图

She unfolded her arms.她张开双臂。

2.[i][t](使)逐渐展现;展示;透露to be gradually made known; to gradually make sth known to other people

The audience watched as the story unfolded before their eyes.观众看着剧情逐渐地展开。

She unfolded her tale to us.她向我们倾吐了她的故事。


v.1.to open something that was folded; to become open after being folded2.to happen, or to develop; to become more clear as details become known

1.展开 submaster 集控 unfold 展开 page 页 ...

2.打开 dessert n 甜点 unfold vt 打开;显露;阐明 lap n (坐时的)大腿前部;膝盖 ...

3.显露 dessert n 甜点 unfold vt 打开;显露;阐明 lap n (坐时的)大腿前部;膝盖 ...

4.展现 ) all-pervading a. 遍布的 ) unfold v. 展现 ) blade n. 草片,叶片 ...

5.展开,打开 ... unfortunatelly 不幸运的 unfold v. 展开,打开;显露,展现 understanding n. 洞察力;理解力;领会 a.体谅的, …

6.开展 wad n. 块状软物, 填料 unfold vt. 打开, 显露, 开展, 阐明 cooperate vi. 合作, 协作 ...

7.呈现 undue 不适当的, 过度的 unfold 打开,展开,呈现 unleash 释放 ...

8.摊开 摊贩〖 stall-keeperandpedlar;streetpedlar〗 摊开〖 spreadout;unfold〗 摊派〖 apportion;exaction〗 ...


1.With such a catalogue of potential disasters waiting to unfold, there must be a law against geoengineering?有这么一系列将会随之发生的潜在灾难,必须要有一部针对地球工程学的法律吧?

2.Tourists at the hotel were excited to see the eruption, watching the events unfold while eating dinner, she said.旅馆的游客非常兴奋的看着火山喷发,吃晚饭时看着整个事件的进展,她说到。

3.By allowing the sacred mystery to unfold without trying to tamper with it, we can move through anything with much more ease and simppcity.让恐惧的迷雾散开,不要去干预,这样的话,度过任何事情我们就能带着多的多的从容和简单。

4.Note: Be sure to unfold this page and refer to the front diagrams as you read each chapter.注:在阅读各章时请务必展开此页并参考主视图。

5.Now, just a month left to the election, another smear campaign seems to unfold.现在离选举只剩一个月,另一波抹黑行动看来已经展开了。

6.still less unfold the business to my master, absorbed as he was in his present calamity, and having no heart to spare for a second grief!更不敢把这件事向我的主人揭露,他正沉浸在他目前的灾难里,经受不住又一次的悲痛了!

7.That tightening of credit still looks at least several months off, if not longer, and could take a while to unfold.这种收紧信贷之举看起来至少也是几个月之后的事情,其实施过程可能也会需要一段时间。

8.Before a woman, man pkes to unfold himself in men's way. Sometimes there must be androcentrism.这样才像个男人,所以大男子主义有时侯是必需的。

9.President Bush called Prime Minister Singh on Sunday. It was their second conversation since the Mumbai attack began to unfold on Wednesday.布什总统星期天打电话给辛格总理。这是自从孟买袭击在星期三爆发以来,双方之间的第二次谈话。

10.The plot is a bit of a doozy, but what's interesting is how director Wang lets this character-driven drama unfold.影片的情节虽有点怪诞,但有趣的是导演如何戏剧性的展开这部性格主导的电影。