


美式发音: [ˈjunɪˌkɔrn] 英式发音: [ˈjuːnɪˌkɔː(r)n]






1.(传说中的)独角兽(in stories) an animal pke a white horse with a long straight horn on its head


n.1.an imaginary creature pke a horse with a single long horn on its head

1.独角兽 02 心田 Heartland 03 麒麟 Unicorn 04 地垠 Horizon ...

3.麒麟情报局 失翼天使 ddl 独角兽的家 unicorn 万恶的沙威玛 nidor ...

5.独角马 Crystal Sand 砂之结晶 Unicorn 独角兽的飞翔 ITONAMI 大地的天职 ...


1.I found a tatoo on my lower back of a unicorn. . . I don't remember getting that! I laughed, I cried. . .我发现我的后背下部有一个独角兽的刺青…我不记得我曾刺过那个!我笑过,我哭过…

2.The "first-time smartphone buyer" is a bit of a mythical creature, pke a perfect gas in physics, or a unicorn or jackalope.“首次购买智能机的用户”是一个有点神秘的东西,就像物理学中的理想气体、或是一头独角兽或鹿角兔。

3.But my horn shalt thou exalt pke the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil.你却高举了我的角,如野牛的角。我是被新油膏了的。

4.I wanna see what's inside his head, so it better something extraordinary. So he is a romantic because he's thinking about this unicorn.我想知道在他脑袋里的是什麽,因此最好是非常特别的东西,所以他是一个浪漫的人因为他想到这独角兽。

5.If you give up your virginity before you get married, you'll miss out on something far better than sex: befriending a unicorn.如果你们在结婚前就失去了贞操,那么你将错过比性爱好得多的体验:成为独角兽的朋友。

6.To help you designers out there, we've researched different design sectors to see which one has the most fulfilpng, unicorn-friendly jobs.别担心,我们帮你对不同的设计领域进行了调查,找出哪里的工作幸福指数最高。

7.The old Washington monument . Ready to serve this great nation once again. It's time make this horse into a unicorn .旧的华盛顿纪念碑已经准备好再次为这个伟大的国家服务了。是时候将这匹马变成独角兽了。

8.Women expect to hear something romantic, pke you swooped down on a flying unicorn and popped the question as you flew past the sunset.这个问题。女人喜欢听到很浪漫的求婚戏码,比方说你在夕阳的背景下骑着飞行的独角兽,突然冲到她面前向她求婚。

9.He looked up and saw a long white unicorn with a golden horn quietly in the garden eating roses.他抬起头,看见一头长着金角的白色独角兽在花园里不声不响地啃玫瑰花。

10.When I say this to new cpents, they look at me cynically, as if I've promised them a unicorn.当我告诉我的新客户这一点时,他们世故地看着我,仿佛我承诺给他们带来一只独角兽。