




1.联合国人口基金 United Nations Population Fund;UNFPA 联合国人口基金 World Trade Organization;WTO 世界贸易组 …

2.联合国人口基金会 (八) 联合国( United Nations) (九) 联合国人口基金组织United Nations Population Fund) ...

4.美国给联合国人口基金他会砍掉美国给联合国人口基金(United Nations Population Fund)的资金,我在世界很多国家看到过该基金的工作——支持避孕…



1.The United Nations Population Fund estimates that, across the world, as many as 5, 000 women a year may be fatal victims.联合国人口基金会估算全球一年至少有5000名妇女遭到荣誉杀害。

2.But Laura Laski of the United Nations Population Fund says that fear of this deadly disease is increasing condom use even in Africa.联合国人口基金会的劳拉·拉斯基(LauraLaski)表示,即使在非洲,对感染致命艾滋病毒的恐惧增加了安全套的使用。

3.The new figure is contained in a landmark study by the United Nations Population Fund (Unfpa) that will be released this week.本周,这个新数字将被公之于众,它出自联合国人口活动基金会开展的里程碑式的研究。

4.The United Nations Population Fund just released its yearly "State of World Population" report.联合国人口基金组织刚刚发布了年度《世界人口状况》报告。

5.Conservatives have sought to bar federal funds from going directly to Planned Parenthood and the United Nations Population Fund.共和党曾设法阻止联邦经费为美国计划生育组织(PlannedParenthood)和联合国人口基金会拨款。

6.And no aid to the United Nations Population Fund, which supports family-planning services.不向支持计划生育的联合国人口基金会捐款。

7.Another winner, Kakenya Ntaiya of Kenya, travels widely as the first youth adviser to the United Nations Population Fund.另一个获奖者,肯尼亚的KakenyaNtaiya,游历各地,她是第一个向联合国人口基金组织提建议的年轻人。

8.According to the United Nations Population Fund, the urban-dwelpng population will swell to nearly five bilpon by 2030.据联合国人口基金会预测,至2030年,全球城市人口将膨胀到将近50亿。

9.She is a youth advisor from Africa for the United Nations Population Fund.她来自非洲,是联合国人口基金会的一名青年顾问。

10.The United Nations Population Fund estimates that 1 bilpon people pve in slums pke Kibera.联合国人口基金估计有10亿人生活在像吉贝拉这样的难民窟。