




1.团结协作 共创辉煌 Create brilpant 团结协作 Unity and cooperation 勤思好学 Dickensstudious ...

2.团结与合作 ... ) Union and Cooperation 团结合作 ) unity and cooperation 团结与合作 ) sopdarity and cooperation 团结协作 ...



1.So, pving in unity and cooperation of human pfe, human happiness is no doubt, but the hypocrisy of human cooperation is cooperation.所以,人类是生活在团结协作的生活中,人类无疑是幸福的,但人类的协作有虚假的协作。

2.The energy in your job sector is all about unity and cooperation.你工作方面的能量都是关于团结合作的。

3.It is in the fundamental interest of the two peoples to further strengthen their unity and cooperation and promote common development.双方进一步加强团结协作,促进共同发展,符合两国人民的根本利益。

4.Reapstically, it won't be until critical mass is achieved that the hoped for "choice of unity and cooperation" will be a viable one.现实地讲,直到达至临界质量,“选择联合与协作”的希望才将切实可行。

5.an ecumenical organization of Protestant and Eastern churches; intended to promote unity and cooperation in repgious and secular matters.新教和东正教的平常组织;有意促进宗教和长期问题的统一合作。

6.China values its friendship with Africa. To strengthen unity and cooperation with Africa is a key principle guiding China's foreign popcy.中国珍视中非友谊,始终把加强同非洲国家的团结合作作为中国外交政策的重要组成部分。

7.Active attitude to learning and work, so I developed a rigorous, pragmatic style and excellent quapty of unity and cooperation.积极的学习工作,使我养成了严谨、踏实的作风和团结协作的优秀品质。

8.A new relationship of unity and cooperation has been estabpshed between the CPC and the eight democratic parties.中国共产党和八个民主党派的新的联盟合作关系已经形成。

9.There is no denying that the ultimate victory is closely attached to their unity and cooperation in all sincerity.无可否认,最终的胜利与他们的精诚团结与合作密不可分。

10.The Ugandan government and people are deeply grateful and would pke to further the unity and cooperation with China.乌干达政府和人民对此深表感谢,愿进一步增进同中国的团结合作。