




1.密歇根大学,我曾两度前往安阿尔勃(Ann Arbor)私立的密西根大学University of Michigan),这回是去州立的密西根大学(Michiga…

3.美国密歇根大学 ... University of Toronto 多伦多大学 University of Michigan 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 Duke University 杜克大学 ...

6.密执安大学 ... United Kingdom 英国 University of Michigan 密歇根州立大学 United States 美国 ...

8.美国密执安大学1986 年获美国密执安大学 (University of Michigan) 电子工程及计算机科学系硕士学位。1991年获美国约翰-霍普金斯大学(The J…


1.This image of a toy train was one of the first they recorded at the University of Michigan's Willow Run Laboratory.这张玩具火车图是这两位科学家在密歇根大学的威洛·鲁恩实验室第一次记录的全息图。

2.A study done by the University of Michigan School of Pubpc Health revealed particulars that seem to hold true for the general population.密歇根大学公共卫生学院揭示了一些对人们普遍适用的细节。

3.The University of Michigan finds that 24% of households expect to be better off financially within a year's time.密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)发现,只有24%最低水平。的美国家庭预计一年内财务将会好转。

4.University of Michigan researchers say a new study shows competing for a woman's attention is bad for a man's health.密歇根大学的研究人员说,一项新的研究显示竞争女人们的注意力对男人的健康是不利的。

5.A survey by the University of Michigan shows that inflation is expected to be over 5% in the next year, the strongest reading since 1982.一项密歇根大学的民调显示明年通胀的民众预期将超过5个百分点,是继1982年最高的读数。

6.Flash back to his sophomore year at the University of Michigan, when he was spending a lot of time on the bench.大学二年级的时候,他在板凳上耗掉大部分时间。

7."I describe it as the university becoming much more porous" , explains Mary Sue Coleman, president of the University of Michigan.“我将这形容成大学越来越呈现出相互渗透”,密歇根大学校长玛丽·苏·科尔曼解释说。

8.The University of Michigan releases its consumer confidence reports to subscribers and does not include the media in its distribution.密歇根大学的消费者信心调查报告只是发送给征订者,发送对象并不包括媒体。

9.Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kennedy suggested formation of a Peace Corps during a talk at the University of Michigan.年,民主党总统候选人约翰·肯尼迪在密歇根大学谈话中建议成立一个和平队。

10.At least one passenger was taken to the University of Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor.至少有一名乘客被送往美国密歇根大学医学院的安阿伯中心。