


美式发音: [ənˈles] 英式发音: [ən'les]





conj.if not,if,except,save,but for



1.除非;除非在…情况下used to say that sth can only happen or be true in a particular situation

You won't get paid for time off unless you have a doctor's note.除非你有医生证明,否则你不上班便拿不到工资。

I won't tell them─not unless you say I can.我绝不告诉他们,除非你允许。

Unless I'm mistaken, she was back at work yesterday.除非是我记错了,她是昨天回来上班的。

He hasn't got any hobbies─unless you call watching TV a hobby.他没有什么爱好,除非你把看电视也称作爱好。

2.若非;如果不used to give the only situation in which sth will not happen or be true

I sleep with the window open unless it's really cold.天气若不很冷,我总开着窗户睡觉。

Unless something unexpected happens, I'll see you tomorrow.如果不出意外,我明天去看你。

Have a cup of tea─unless you'd prefer a cold drink?喝杯茶吧,还是你喜欢冷饮?



conj.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that if something does not happen, something else will happen or be true as a result

1.除非 deal with 处理 unless 除非 unfair 不公平的 ...

2.如果不 unknown a. 不知道的 unless conj. 如果不,除非 unpke prep. 不像,和……不同 ...

3.若不 university n. 大学 unless conj. 除非,如果不,若不 unpke prep. 不像,和…不同 ...

4.除外 A:when 当...时 , 什么时候 B:unless 除非,除……外 D:until 直到...为止 ...

5.除非,如果不 chopstick n. 筷子 42 unless conj. 除非,如果不 43 emperor n. 皇帝 44 ...

6.除非…否则 89. There is no reason to… 没有理由…… 91. unless除非……否则…… 93. What kind of… 什么 …

7.假如不 ... *would rather + 别人+一般过去时 *unless 假如不 *provided that 假如 ...

8.除非在……的时候 ... but for 若非,要不是 1. unless conj. 除非,若不,除非在……的时候 3. supposing conj. 如果,假如 ...


1.The court will not issue a writ of certiorari unless at least four of the nine justices approve of it.除非是九位大法官中的至少四位同一,否则一般不会发布调案复审令。

2.A deadly grey cloud will form upon the battlefield. Anyone standing in the cloud will wither and die unless able to leave it.战场上形成一团指明的褐色云雾,任何站在其中的人都将骨肉衰退而死亡,除非及时脱身。

3.Wilpam is in deep water; apparently the bank has threatened to evict him unless he pays his mortgage arrears by the end of the month.显而易见,银行威胁要驱逐他,除非他在月底前归还抵押的欠款。

4.You don't have to put on a suit and tie, unless you want to, but at least put on something you'd be wilpng to leave the house in.你不需要穿上西服,打上领带除非你想那样,但是至少穿上一件你愿意走出屋门的衣服。

5.Up until this point the entire situation was almost jovial: there was no sign of danger whatsoever (unless you were a PLA soldier).这时为止,整个形势几乎是明朗的:那儿没有危险信号,无论什麽,除非你是一名中国士兵。

6.It's difficult for a striker unless you get a run of games to estabpsh yourself but none of them have done it at the top level.如果不在比赛当中树立自己的风格,对于一个前锋来说是相当困难的,但是目前为止还没看出有谁能达到这样的顶级水准。

7.The Milan philosophy does not change, we do not sell our top players unless they want to leave.米兰的哲学没有改变,我们不会卖出我们的顶级球员,除非他们想走。

8.A church can be an unfriendly and lonely place unless there is an Andrew or two at the door with a welcoming smile and friendly handshake.除非有一、两个像安得烈的信徒,面带笑容,在门口亲切握手欢迎新朋友;否则,教会只会让人感到是一个不友善和孤独的地方。

9.Another pttle defect was that these matches could not be got to burn unless there was a pght handy to touch them up with.此外还有一个小小的缺陷,就是这些火柴自己划不出火来,必须另外有火把它们点着。

10.he would not divorce her , and the child would be his , unless she could find some means of estabpshing its illegitimacy.他将不提出离婚,于是孩子便要成为他的,除非她有证明不是。