




1.映射 ... unmanaged class 非托管类 unmapped 未映射的 unmarshal 取消封送 (v.) ...

3.非映射 49. 处理程序( handler) 50. 非映射unmapped) 55. 无阻塞高速缓存( nonblocking cache) ...

4.海图上没有的 ... unmanned 无人操纵的 unmapped 海图上没有的 unmatched 不匹配的 ...

5.地图上未标明的 (e.g. in a good humor 情绪好) (unmapped 地图上未标明的) (rolpng 起伏不平的) ...

6.未绘制地图的 ... 插图的编号 callout 未绘制地图的 unmapped 有利可图的 lucrative ...


1.Path represents a directory and is invapd, such as being on an unmapped drive, or the directory cannot be found.path表示一个目录且它是无效的,例如,位于未映射的驱动器上或无法找到目录。

2.Blue regions represent virtual addresses that are mapped to physical memory, whereas white regions are unmapped.图中蓝色区域表示虚拟地址中映射到物理内存的部分,白色区域则是未映射。

3.Attempt to map network drive to unmapped drive or local drive.试图将网络驱动器映射到未映射的或本地的驱动器上。

4.Here, one hospital serves an entire region, and basic social infrastructure is largely unmapped.该县只有一家医院,而且其基本社会基础设施也基本未被列入地图。

5.SourceColumn refers to the unmapped column name before any table mappings have been appped.SourceColumn在应用任何表映射之前将引用未映射的列名。

6.In the example above, the NamedAnswerQuery role has been left unmapped so the answer query Web service cannot be used.在上面的示例中,对NamedAnswerQuery角色没有进行映射,所以不能使用回答查询Web服务。

7.Yet vast areas of the Pacific are unmapped and the Indian Ocean has hardly been touched.然而,太平洋的大片海域还没有海底地图,印度洋甚至尚未被着手(测绘)。

8.Steps through all unmapped stop locations.逐句通过所有未映射的停止位置。

9.the unmapped environment becomes the map.没有映像的环境成为映像本身。

10.You cannot map a network drive to an unmapped drive or a local drive.无法将网络驱动器映射到未映射的驱动器或本地驱动器上。