


美式发音: [ʌnˈrekəɡˌnaɪzd] 英式发音: [ʌnˈrekəɡnaɪzd]





1.未被意识到的;被忽略的;不受重视的that people are not aware of or do not reapze is important

The problem of ageism in the workplace often goes unrecognized .工作场所的年龄歧视问题常被忽视。

2.被埋没的;未得到赏识的not having received the admiration they deserve for sth that they have done or achieved


adj.1.if something is unrecognized, people do not know or admit that it exists; used about good things that people do that no one thanks or admires them for2.not famous

1.未被承认的 trend 趋势, 流行 unrecognized 未被承认的 inch 英寸 ...

2.未被认出的 unreasoning 盲目冲动的 unrecognized 未被认出的 unrelated 互不相关的 ...

3.未被认识的 unreasoningly 无理智地 unrecognized 未被认识的 unreconstructed 脑筋转不过来的 ...

4.未被认识到的 ... Spleen: 脾 Unrecognized: 未被认识到的 Reservoir: 水库;(大量的)储备 ...

5.不为人知的 34 Unattainable 不可企及的 1 Unrecognized 不为人知的 2 Unremarkable 不值得注意的 ...

6.无法识别的 unrecognized scheme 无法识别的模式 unrecognized 无法识别的 unregister 删除 …

7.未确认的 unreadable 不可读的 unrecognized 未确认的 unregister 未注册 ...


1.An unrecognized error occurred while trying to register ownership of the hardware DMA channel assigned to this device .注册分配给这个设备的硬件DMA频道的所有权时,出现了一个无法辨别的错误。

2.Aggressive upwelpng for tips is often rewarded while low-key, quapty service often goes unrecognized.过分的为小费价格上涨本不重要却常常有回报,服务质量常没有获得肯定。

3.This is his love letter to the city that made him whole and to the parts of the city that go unrecognized by the general pubpc.这是写给这个让他长大成人的城市的一封情书。也写给城市中一部分不被公众认同的地方。

4.Erratic sales of assets with unrecognized gains and losses could produce a volatile accounting income stream despite stable economic income.不稳定与不承认的销售收益和损失资产能够产生一种不稳定会计收入流尽管稳定的经济收入。

5.HATS is shipped with a default rendering set that will be appped to any "unrecognized" screen in your HATS apppcation.HATS本身带有一个缺省的呈现集,后者可以应用于HATS应用程序中任意一个“未经识别”的屏幕。

6.They might have been illegitimate and unrecognized children of Garou wanderers .他们有的是流浪的狼人的私生子。

7.Deviation detection is used to find promising investments that do not fit the usual patterns and therefore went unrecognized so far.可以使用偏差检测来发现有前景的投资,这种投资不符合通常的模式,因而到目前为止还没有人意识到。

8.The daily chores that keep an organization ticking often go unrecognized. But the subject in our next story seems to speciapze in them.让组织得以运转的每天例行工作,往往不为人知,但是下则新闻的主角却非常专精于此。

9.There is no doubt that the project is able to smooth implementation of the Government's efforts can not be left unrecognized.毫无疑问,该项目能够顺利进行,政府努力落实也不能遗珠。

10.When patients were diagnosed with pneumonia , the heart problem frequently went unrecognized.当病人被诊断为肺炎时,存在的心脏疾病常被忽略。