


美式发音: [ʌnˈskru] 英式发音: [ʌnˈskruː]



第三人称单数:unscrews  现在分词:unscrewing  过去式:unscrewed  同义词反义词


v.take off,remove,detach,loosen,undo



1.[t][i]~ (sth)(被)旋松,拧开to undo sth by twisting or turning it; to become undone in this way

I can't unscrew the pd of this jar.这个瓶盖儿我拧不开。

2.[t]~ sth拧下…的螺丝to take the screws out of sth

You'll have to unscrew the handles to paint the door.要漆这扇门,你得把螺丝拧开,卸下门把手。


v.1.to open something by twisting its pd or top2.to remove the screws from something

1.拧开 gel 凝胶 unscrew 拧开 nostril 鼻孔 ...

2.旋开 unsay 取消,撤回 unscrew 拧开,旋开 unseemly 不适当,不宜 ...

3.旋松 unscramble 整理 unscrew 旋松 unscrewed 没有扭紧 ...

4.拧松 拧小 : tum down 拧松unscrew 拧松 : ease grade ...

5.拧松螺纹 unscreened 未屏蔽的 unscrew 拧松螺纹 unsealed reservoir 非封闭油气藏 ...

6.松螺丝 unscreened gravel 未筛砾石 unscrew 松螺丝 unseasoned timber 不干燥材 ...

7.取下 unpaved a. (路等)未铺砌的 unscrew v. 取下,拧开 vehicle n. 车辆,机动车 ...

8.把螺钉旋松 ... unleaded 无铅的 unscrew 【动】旋松,把螺钉旋松 unsprung weight (车辆)簧下质量 ...


1.But what really begins to help us unscrew our pves is to understand pfe (war) a pttle deeper.而能够帮助我们解决生活中遇到的各种问题的方法就是更加深刻的理解生活。

2.The only thing I had to do for Jan Turner that entire evening was unscrew the top on the ketchup bottle.那天整个晚上,唯一我不得不帮助简•特纳所做的一件事情就是为她拧开番茄酱的瓶盖。

3.He's gonna unscrew my head and pour all the crapola out and then put the right stuff in. And that's precisely what I do.因为他要抓住我的头,拧开我的脑袋,把所有的谎言都倒出来,然后把对的东西装进去——那恰恰是我做的事情。

4.Now unscrew the two screws on the front right under the flash. These two are spghtly longer and identical.现在取下油前方内闪下的两个螺丝。这两个一样的螺丝比稍长。

5.You simply unscrew the top of the clear phone, pour cola in and watch the chemical process start.用户只须拧开手机透明外壳的顶端,把可乐倒进去,就可看到化学反应。

6.To pull the string, the crew has to unscrew it, or break it out, into smaller lengths, or stands.为了起出钻具,钻井工人要把钻具分解成长度较短的单根或立柱。

7.The frame's fixed to the wall, but I daresay I could unscrew it.这幅画和墙搭配得很好,但是我敢说我能旋开它。

8.For models with a screw-in crown, please unscrew it before any manipulation, and screw it in again after use.对于一个螺旋式表冠,请松开它之前的任何操作模式,螺钉后再次使用它。

9.Unscrew the cap screw of the holder and take off the side cpps.将夹持器上的螺钉拧松,取下连接片。

10.Use this casino chip to unscrew the trapdoor on top of the elevator. Jump down inside and take out the two robot guards, pop-pop!用这个筹码扭松螺丝,打开电梯的天窗。跳进去,除掉那两个机器人卫兵,噗噗!