


美式发音: [ʌnˈsoʊld] 英式发音: [ʌnˈsəʊld]





1.未售出的;无人购买的not bought by anyone

Many of the houses remain unsold.这些房屋有许多尚未售出。


adj.1.not sold

1.未销售的 technique n. 技术;方法 unsold a. 未销售的 leftover a. 剩余的;剩下的 ...

2.未售出的 trudge v. 疲惫地走 unsold a. 未卖掉的,未售出的 urge n. 强烈的欲望,冲动 ...

3.未出售的 unsoiled 未弄脏的 unsold 未出售的 unsolder 拆焊 ...

4.未卖掉的 trudge v. 疲惫地走 unsold a. 未卖掉的,未售出的 urge n. 强烈的欲望,冲动 ...

5.未卖出的物品下图:先将TL与My eBay的物品进行同步,在’未卖出物品(Unsold)’文件夹中,筛选出所有的Duration为GTC的物品,重新上 …


1.Of the 135, 000 completed but unsold new homes at the end of May, nearly half had been sitting for a year or more.在五月底,除了未售出的新房,有135000套已经完成销售,将近一半已经放置了一年或一年以上。

2.He said improvements in the economy should boost demand for homes, alleviating some of the pressure on prices from unsold homes.他还表示,经济的改善应该提振住房需求,在一定程度上缓解待售房屋对房价构成的压力。

3.With the economy still in decpne, easily visible in a city full of unsold hotel rooms, we were not ready to hear of improved price points.随着经济仍然在下降,很容易看见的城市充满了未售出的酒店房间,我们还没有准备好听到改善价位。

4.Economists say in a healthy market it would take at least three years to sell all of Spain's unsold homes that were built during the boom.经济学家说,在一个健康的市场上,卖掉西班牙在房产热潮期间修建的所有未售出房屋至少需要三年。

5.The construction industry is in tatters and, with hundreds of thousands of unsold new houses, is not about to recover.经济领头羊建筑业已是千疮百孔,数十万处新建房屋滞销,短期内复苏无望。

6.A retailer wants to empty the inventory during a sale season due to that the salvage value of any unsold item is zero.零售商试图在一个有限计划期内将固定的存货全部售出,剩余存货在销售季节结束时价值变为零。

7.There are suggestions that at least some of its sales are the product of pushing cars on dealers, which then sit unsold in lots.有迹象表明至少有一些销量是将其汽车推销给经销商的产物,但这些汽车随后大批成为库存。

8.Any of the items unsold at the end of the period and which we decide not to keep as stock, would be returned at our expense.在此期限结束时,任何未销出而我们又不准备库存的产品将退还给你们,退货费用由我方负担。

9.FIFA has been releasing unsold tickets slowly but this Friday it said the last 90, 000 seats including the final itself would go on sale.国际足协发放未售票的速度一直非常缓慢,但是周五,足协表示,最后的90,000张票,包括决赛门票将开始出售。

10.I was able to chase up the last unsold ticket to the opera for you.我能帮你赶快买到歌剧最后未出售的票。