


美式发音: [ˈjʊrɪˌneɪt] 英式发音: [ˈjʊərɪneɪt]



第三人称单数:urinates  现在分词:urinating  过去式:urinated  



1.排尿;小便to get rid of urine from the body


v.1.to get rid of urine from your body

1.小便 非法的〖 illegal;unlawful〗 排尿;小便urinate〗 偏爱〖 showfavouritismtosb.〗 ...

2.排尿 非法的〖 illegal;unlawful〗 排尿;小便〖 urinate〗 偏爱〖 showfavouritismtosb.〗 ...

3.撒尿 tweak 抓,拧,捏(耳朵、鼻子等) Urinate 小便, 撒尿 Voluptuous 艳情的 ...

4.小解 不拘小节[ trifle] 小解[ urinate] 小金库[ unit-owned exchequer] ...

5.尿尿 手机_ Telecommunication 3.尿尿---- urinate 4.吹电风扇- --Blow the electric fan ...

6.尿液时仍觉得需要排尿 ... 小便是 urinate ★ 发自 iPhone App:ChineseWeb 7.5 ...


1.As soon as you can resume oral intake, urinate, and care for your basic needs, you will typically be able to go home.当你可以恢复进食、小便自理并照顾好自己的的基本需要时,你就能够回家了。

2.Onset of atrial tachyarrhythmia is often followed by the need to urinate because of increased production of atrial natriuretic factor.由于心房利钠因子产生增加,房性快速性心律失常发作后常需排尿。

3.The incident left the man with a 1cm-long stump with which he was unable to urinate or have sexual intercourse.事故造成该男子的阴茎只剩下1厘米长的根部,这使得他不能排尿也不能性交。

4.Then I went back to bed and closed my eyes, but having drunk so much water I soon had to get up again to urinate.然后我回到床上,闭上眼睛,可由于喝了那么多水,我不一会儿又得起床去解手。

5.Today, at a party, my three friends and I thought it would be fun to urinate in a jug.今天在一个派对上我跟我三个朋友找乐子往一个罐子里小便。

6.The Buddhist kneels and hopes that the dog will not urinate at this hallowed moment. He dares not pft his head.佛教徒跪下来,心里暗自希望小狗不要在这个神圣的时刻撒尿。

7.If you continue to feel the urge to urinate or have problems with a leaky bladder, talk to your health care professional.如果你继续迫切于小便或有问题的泄漏膀胱,跟你的健康保健专业人员。

8.Shepard ultimately opted to urinate in his shiny spacesuit, but asked launch control to switch the power off to his medical sensors first.谢泼德最终选择尿在了他那闪闪发亮的宇航服里,不过他让地面台先关闭了宇航服里的体征传感器。

9.Your uterus is also pressing on your bladder again, causing you to feel the need to urinate a lot more often.你的子宫正压迫你的膀胱,导致你更频繁的想要小便。

10.It is reported that the total flavonoids in this plant could promote bipation, egestion, urinate and remove urinary calculus.据文献报道金钱草中总黄酮具有促进胆汁分泌和排泄,利尿排石等作用。