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1.瓦莱里,在伊斯坦布尔,他希望成为一个诗人,还曾把法国诗人瓦雷里VALERY)翻译成土耳其语,但是,在一个贫穷的没有几个 …

4.瓦乐莉 TF1032 Nadya( 娜蒂娅) TF1076 Valery瓦乐莉) TF1092 Camila M.( …

5.法国诗人 瓦莱里 - Valery 瓦列里 - Valery 瓦鲁瓦尔 - Waru Val ...

7.瓦雷利象徵诗人以法国波德雷尔 (Baudelaire)、马拉美 (Mallarmè)、瓦雷利(Valery)、 蓝波 (Rimbaud) 和维尔连 (Verlaine) 等最有名。 …

8.瓦拉莉#29 | 瓦拉莉(Valery) - 全省6.,14位..等的全妹 BE12-3098487 由Debacker Chris (德巴克 克里斯) 作育 由Debacker Chris ( …


1.At the same time, the company appointed Valery Golubev, the head of the investment division, to the post of deputy chief executive.与此同时,该公司任命投资部门负责人瓦列里•戈卢别耶(ValeryGolubev)担任公司副总裁。

2.Gossip Girl! You know what? Valery Liukin made a cameo appearance on the show!《绯闻女孩》!知道吗,柳金也在里面客串演出呢!

3.Saint Valery was chosen from a drawing by NRJ, a French radio and TV channel who held a contest for a private Ke$ha concert.圣瓦列里从一个被选为由NRJ,法国电台和电视频道谁举行了一个私人柯$公顷音乐会绘画比赛。

4.Maestro and festival artistic director Valery Gergiev created Stars of the White Nights in 1993 as a "musical gift" to St. Petersburg.音乐大师兼本次活动的艺术总监葛济夫在1993年创作了“永昼星光”,以作为送给圣彼得堡的“音乐献礼”。

5.Former French President Valery Giscard D'Estaing and around 400 business representatives attended the meeting.法国前总统德斯坦及法国工商界人士近400人出席了演讲会。

6.Fisherman Valery Krugersky was stunned when a cheeky frog jumped into his net - and swallowed his catch whole.渔夫瓦勒里·克鲁格斯基目瞪口呆地看着一只厚颜无耻的蛙跳入他的渔网把他打上来的鱼整条吞下去。

7.Valery Okulov, Russia's deputy Transport Minister says the reason will be clarified by the International Aviation Committee.俄罗斯交通部副部长瓦列里•奥库洛夫表示,失事原因有待国际航空委员会的确认。

8.Valery Chkalov was the first pilot to land a plane there in 1932. It was a bomber TB-3 #311.1932年,ValeryChkalov成为第一个在此地停飞机的飞行员,当时的飞机是战斗机TB-3#311。

9."We are very grateful to the Russians for our pberty; very grateful, " Valery says.“我们非常感激俄国人解放了我们,非常感激。”瓦勒莉说。

10.Former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing also attended the protest.法国前总统瓦莱里·吉斯卡尔·德斯坦也参加了抗议。