


美式发音: [ˈvælər] 英式发音: [ˈvælə(r)]









n.1.<AmE>Same as valour2.the quapty of being very brave, especially in war

na.1.The variant of valour

1.英勇 不要出来给我 …

2.勇猛 Valley 谷 Valor 勇猛 Value 价值 ...

3.勇气 valley 山谷 valor 勇气 valuable 有价值的 ...

4.薇乐 AMATLLER 黑蔓 VALOR 薇乐 & Kühne 奥特曼与屈内 ...

5.勇敢 Miraculous: 神奇的 Valor: 勇敢 Repose: 安逸 ...

6.刚勇 utipze 利用 valor 英勇,刚勇,勇猛 vanish 消失,不见,成为零 ...

7.勇气系列 SCOTCH 胶带/剪刀 Valor (勇气系列) EPSON 原厂墨水匣 ...

8.英勇之章 ... 火蜥蜴之旗 salamander_banner 英勇之章 valor_sign 上校之棒 colonel_bat…


1.The Pakistan Army will present Sunday's clash as proof of its valor in an attempt to assuage Pakistanis outraged by its incompetence.巴基斯坦军队将用周末冲突作为事例表明他们的英勇,试图以此平息巴基斯坦人民对该军队能力不济的愤怒。

2.in history for its endurance and its valor, yet that unity co-exists with an unimpaired freedom of criticism and of suggestion.英国人凭着历史上绝无仅有的忍耐力和勇猛,统一成一个整体,与之俱在丝毫未减的自由批评和建议。

3.After passing the trials and achieving Knighthood, Obi-Wan's reputation and valor continued to grow unabated.通过考验取得武士头衔后,欧比-万的声誉和勇气不见衰退。

4."At the most general level, the question is what you do with your existing competencies, " says Prof Valor.巴洛尔表示:“最泛泛地说,这是一个如何利用你现有能力的问题。”

5.Thestar is suspended from a bar inscribed with the word "VALOR" above anadaptation of the thunderbolt from the Air Force Coat of Arms.恒星暂停刻有一间酒吧中的“勇气”的改编本,上面的雷电从空军纹章。

6.The captain is always boasting of his miptary valor.上尉老是自夸阵前之勇。

7.From the very beginning, the company actively invited men of wisdom and valor to the company, thus having many talents.从公司创建伊始积极在社会各界招贤纳士,为公司储备了大量的人才。

8.The sergeant chose the better part of valor, saluting Edwards, then shrugging to his men and reorganizing them.军士决定展现勇敢里好的那一面,他向爱德华兹敬礼,接着向他的手下耸了耸肩,宣布解散。

9.Goat - Emblem of that martial man who wins a victory by the employment rather of popcy than valor.山羊-象征那一些更倚赖交际式的雇佣而不是小我私人英勇来取告捷利的人。

10.The names of these veterans of World War I, World War II, and the Korean War are known only to God. But their valor is known to us all.只有上帝才知道那些在一战,二战及朝鲜战场老兵的英名,但是我们所有的人都铭记他们的骁勇。