



美式发音: [ˌvæljuˈeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌvæljʊˈeɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:valuations  同义词




n.1.the process of deciding how much money something is worth; a decision concerning the value of something

1.评价s),拿到什麽样的牌出什麽样的 招就是我们玩牌人的评价Valuations),结局要如何则是要玩了才知道!

2.仍逃脱不了估价 ... Valuations 评估学 2281 Advanced Financial Accounting 高等金融会计 2205 ...

4.价值面产管理资深资产配置策略分析师吴丽如却指出,基於目前价值面valuations)的考量,日股涨幅已经偏高,股价相对於其他 …

5.绝对赋值叫赋值注意有些英文书绝对赋值叫赋值valuations)、范数(norm)、量值(magnitude)。1 绝对赋值的类型 2 几何概念联系 3 参 …

6.价服务首页 > 公司简介 > 其他业务>鉴价服务 (Valuations)鉴价服务 (Valuations) 除了在拍卖前提供珍品评估服务外,苏富比也提供鉴 …


1.But long-term investors think the country's economic boom mean valuations may not stay so low for more than a year or two.但长线投资者认为,中国的经济增长迅猛,意味其低估值状态并不会持续一至两年以上。

2.All that cash has also inflated valuations of fledgpng businesses, making it harder for VC funds to turn a profit on them.所有的资金都追捧那些羽翼未丰的公司,这时vc想从中获利也变得困难。

3.Moreover, suppose that risk premiums should be permanently lower and asset valuations permanently higher: by how much?而且:假如风险酬金一直不断降低、资产估价一直不断升高:何时到头?

4.Yes, their valuations reached frothy levels, too, but at least there was a more sopd business behind them.不错,他们的估值也到了泡沫的水平,不过至少他们的背后有着更加坚实的业务。

5.Like all sciences and all valuations, the psychology of women has hitherto been considered only from the point of view of men.直到现在,人们考虑女人的心理,都是从男人的角度出发,这和科学研究及种种评估师一样的。

6.However, he said, they were cautious about investing at a time of high domestic valuations.不过,他同时表示,在国内估值较高之际,它们对投资较为谨慎。

7.The question is how much room there is for the sector's heady valuations to progress.问题在于,奢侈品行业令人兴奋的估值还有多大的成长空间。

8.A bit of sand in the gears will also remind investors not to ignore valuations.齿轮中漏入少许沙粒,也会提醒投资者,不要忽略估值。

9.Part of that outperformance may be the result of the stratospheric valuations on which equities traded in the late 1990s.强劲表现的部分原因可能是20世纪90年代对于股票交易“同温层估值”的后果。

10.David Viniar, chief financial officer at Goldman, said valuations had got "way out of whack" , and denied the bank was rescuing the fund.高盛首席财务官戴维-维尼亚(DavidViniar)称,股价已经“走出了紊乱局面”,并否认该行是在拯救该基金。