




1.瓦雷利亚 ... Andals 安达尔人 Valyria 瓦雷利亚人 Dothraki 多斯拉克人 ...

3.维莱莉亚维莱莉亚安人 (Valyrians)靠著魔法驯服他们找到龙族, 也创立首都 维莱莉亚 (Valyria)。 靠龙火压摧毁了历史悠久的古老王朝吉 …


1.The men of Volantis and Valyria hung Garin in a golden cage and made mock as he called upon his Mother to destroy them.瓦兰提斯和瓦雷利亚的人在金笼子里吊死了加林,嘲笑着他当他向圣母求助毁灭他们。

2.Next you will be offering me a suit of magic armor and a palace in Valyria.下面你就该送我一套魔法盔甲和一座瓦雷利亚的宫殿了。

3."Volantis is the oldest of the Nine Free Cities, first daughter of Valyria, " the lad repped, in a bored tone.瓦兰提斯是九个自由城邦里最古老的,瓦雷利亚的第一个女儿。

4.Can dragons tunnel through rock, pke the firewyrms of old Valyria?龙能像古瓦雷利亚的火龙一样在岩石里钻洞?

5.The dragon lords of old Valyria had controlled their mounts with binding spells and sorcerous horns.古瓦雷利亚的龙骑士靠的是强大的咒语和带法力的号角来控制自己的坐骑。

6.Old Volantis, first daughter of Valyria, the dwarf mused.股瓦兰提斯,瓦雷利亚的第一个女儿,侏儒打趣。

7.The tigers held sway for almost a century after the Doom of Valyria.在瓦雷利亚末日浩劫后虎党的统治长达一世纪。