




1.陈美 Twelve Girls Band( 女子十二乐坊) Vanessa Mae( 陈美小提琴专辑) WIND( 风潮唱片公司) ...

5.小提琴手陈美小提琴手陈美Vanessa Mae )是新一代古典音乐乐手的代表之一不少年轻人觉得古典音乐与他们格格不入,但是最新调查显 …

6.瓦妮莎梅 瓦妮莎(Vanessa Mae): 古典音乐一 安妮﹣索菲 马特尔(Anne-Sophie Mutter): 罗曼史 里克特 斯维亚托斯洛夫(Richter Svia…


1.Half Thai and half Chinese, Vanessa-Mae Vanakom Nicholson was born in Singapore and grew up in London.一半泰国血统,一半华人血统,陈美出生于新加坡,在伦敦长大。

2.Well, Vanessa Mae is about to reach the wise old age of 24, she's already done more than some musicians do in a pfetime.嗯,陈美快满24岁了,一个智慧的年龄。她做的事情比某些音乐人士一辈子做的还多。

3.Viopnist, Vanessa-Mae, best known for her pioneering mix of pop and classical music, has just completed her asian tour.这就是陈美,一位以融合流行与古典于一体而扬名的小提琴家,她刚刚完成了自己的亚洲之旅。

4.She was a rising star in the world of classical music, but Vanessa-Mae also had some ideas of her own about music.她在古典音乐界声誉日隆,但陈美对于音乐有自己的一套想法。

5.The young viopnist Vanessa-Mae was the first musician to use techno, dance and rock music in traditional classical music.年轻小提琴家Vanessa-Mae是第一位在传统经典音乐中运用舞蹈和摇滚音乐技巧的音乐家。

6.Vanessa Mae, welcome to "Talk Asia" . Thank you so much for coming.陈美,欢迎到《亚洲名人聊天室》节目。感谢你的光临。

7.Vanessa Mae was born in Singapore to a Chinese mother and a Thai father.陈美出生在新加坡,母亲是中国人,父亲是泰国人。

8.Vanessa-Mae loved pop music, and she was also a very good classical viopnist, and she brought the two kinds of music together.Vanessa-Mae喜欢流行音乐,她也们出色的经典音乐小提琴家,她并将两者融会结合。

9.But by age eight, it was the viopn Vanessa Mae knew she wanted to play professionally.8岁的时候,她就知道将成为一名职业小提琴手。

10.Then and now, Vanessa Mae's sexy image has caused some classical music purists to choke on their pipe smoke.陈美的性感形象经常把那些嘴含烟斗的古典音乐纯粹主义者噎得够呛。