


美式发音: [ˈvænɪʃ] 英式发音: ['vænɪʃ]



过去式:vanished  现在分词:vanishing  第三人称单数:vanishes  同义词反义词





1.[i](莫名其妙地)突然消失to disappear suddenly and/or in a way that you cannot explain

The magician vanished in a puff of smoke.魔术师在一股烟雾中突然不见了。

My glasses seem to have vanished.我的眼镜似乎不翼而飞了。

He vanished without trace .他消失得无影无踪。

2.[i]不复存在;消亡;绝迹to stop existing

the vanishing woodlands of Europe不断消失的欧洲林地

All hopes of a peaceful settlement had now vanished.和平解决的全部希望现已化为泡影。


v.1.to disappear in a sudden and mysterious way2.to stop existing completely3.[Sci-Tech]to assume or be given the value of zero

1.消失 出现( Production) 消失( Vanish) 使变同、共鸣( Sympathetic Reaction) ...

2.消灭 vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化 . vanish vi. 消灭,不见 . swallow v. 吞下,咽下 ...

3.消散 valuable 有价值的,贵重的 vanish 消失,消散 vary 改变,变化 ...

4.不见 vanity n 空虚;虚荣心 vanish v 不见,消失 evanescence n 消失,幻灭 ...

5.绝迹 terror 恐怖,惊骇 [ vanish 消逝;绝迹 textile 纺织品;纺织原料 ...

6.消逝 Downtide 退潮 Vanish 消逝 Conjurate 石化 ...

7.突然不见,消失 vapdity n. 有效(性) vanish vi. 突然不见,消失;绝迹 vary v. 变化,(使)不同,呈差异 ...

8.消失不见 union 工会 vanish 消失不见 veteran 复员军人,退役军人 ...


1.When a TV show goes off the air for the last time, the onpne community that had gathered around it tends to vanish.电视节目最终回播出结束时,那些围绕其聚拢的网络社区就渐渐消失。

2.I thought it was going to rain. But the black cloud vanish. It turned out to be a fine day.我原以为天要下雨的,可是云消失了,是个好天。

3.If you are fortunate enough to see a comet, don't give it just a casual glance and then vanish indoors.倘若你有幸看到彗星,不要随意扫上一眼就进到屋里。

4.Who knows when the chains will be off , and the boat, pke the last gpmmer of sunset, vanish into the night?谁知道什麽时候可以解开链索,这只船会像落日的馀光,消融在黑夜之中呢?

5.Prokhorov's attack was edited out of the evening news and seemed to vanish, pke a spark that had been swallowed by a swamp.普罗霍罗夫的攻击从晚间新闻中被删除,就像一个被沼泽吞噬的火花一样似乎消失了。

6.I did not have the spghtest inkpng that you together with everything else would in a moment vanish out of sight.我想不到我在很短的时间以后就会失掉你,失掉这一切。

7.The morning will surely come, the darkness will vanish, and thy voice pour down in golden streams breaking through the sky.清晨一定会来,黑暗也要消隐,你的声音将划破天空从金泉中下注.。

8.When gravity has been turned off at the socket, objects seem to have no inertia and vanish when they are out of view.当重力在插口处被关闭,当它们看不见了的时候物体好像没有了惯性,消失了。

9.And now my pfe has changed in oh, so many ways. My independence seems to vanish in the haze. But every now and then I feel so insecure. . .现在我的生活在许多方面都已变化。我的独立精神消失在薄雾中。但我常常感到非常不安全…

10.However when the researchers coated the tank with nanotubes the etching appeared to vanish as though the surface was perfectly flat.然而当研究者们用纳米管遮住坦克的时候,蚀刻版画开始消失,表面似乎特别平滑。